Handraising pigeon questions

Did you join Palomacy’s help group on Facebook? you would get much quicker responses then on here for emergencies.
How is he doing? Is there formula blocking his nares?
I don't have Facebook but I'll make an account. Nares look fine. Driving to an emergency vet
You don’t just happen to be in central texas, do you? If so I can help!
I was a moderator for the Palomacy group for years and I can message them directly to approve your request to join right away.
You have been doing a great job, baby pigeons are a huge responsibility to take on. I’m so impressed by all you are doing to help this sweet little one ❤️
His breathing looks normal now, but I can hear clicking when he inhales
I think you’re in the clear then, that’s just air moving over a bit of fluid in the syrinx. Not really anything to worry too much about unless accompanied by other breathing difficulties, which you described as happening before the clicking noise. I think the squab is okay and needs the human equivalent of an “ahem” to clear its throat. This will probably just go away in time.
But since you have the vet appointment anyway, it’s worth pursuing a second (and certainly better advise) opinion. :)

Good luck!

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