
In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 8, 2014
On Sunday some animal took one of my two pet ducks (they were imprinted on one another) so I got two females for Pablo thinking that would make him feel better. Today I was gone for two hours and an animal killed the two girls and spaired Pablo. However they left one dead dunk in the pen. Now he won't hold his head up he will walk but he just hangs his head. I am really scared I am going to loose him he isn't acting even remotely like himself.
He had no injurys that I could identify only a tiny tiny scratch on his leg. I don't know if this is duck ptsd from watching three of his kind die in front of him or what. Could he be bleeding internally? Is it shock? Is it depression? I have no idea but I'm scared please help Pablo please please please. Just tell me what I should do?
Should I buy a heater near him?
Give him sugar water?
I just don't know and the I ternet sucks.
I hope someone can help us :...( I've been up with him all night scared that I'll loose my feather baby boy :...(
I am so sorry... I could cry for you. You must be devastated!
Are they free roaming? How are the animals managing to get in?
I hope someone can help you as i've never had this problem *touch wood*
But if it happened to me, I would give the duck some poultry drink I have which includes vitamins, minerals, syrup etc.
I would then get him a friend and secure the enclosure .
I hope he is okay ! Let us know.
That's just it the animal had to climb the chain link fence to get at him. I got him two friends when this happened on Sunday and then today in the afternoon whatever the animal was killed his two friends I just got him twoish maybe three days ago and left one of the dead babies in the pen for him to watch die.

I let them out I to the yarn in the late morning and bring them inside before it gets dark. The first time this happened it happened at night so I couldn't believe when this happened in the middle of the day.

I can barely hold my tears in I just want Pablo to be okay!!!!

He just stands there with his head against the ground like this.
Anyone out there that can give me some information And their insight I would be truly grateful. I've been up with my darling Pablo since this happened at 3/4pm yesterday. Now it's 15hrs later and still he stands there and hangs his head usually proping up his head with his bill.
Please this duck mean so much to me and I've been researching all night so any information you pros have would really make me feel better.

I just wanna know that he's going to be okay.
Anyone out there that can give me some information And their insight I would be truly grateful. I've been up with my darling Pablo since this happened at 3/4pm yesterday. Now it's 15hrs later and still he stands there and hangs his head usually proping up his head with his bill.
Please this duck mean so much to me and I've been researching all night so any information you pros have would really make me feel better.

I just wanna know that he's going to be okay.
I'm thinking shock and possibly an injury, did you look under his feathers for a wound? something could have injured him internally also but looks like he may have a neck injury. Please don't leave him outside till you put some kind of secure top [netting chicken wire fastened down over top of your pen,] or he'll be next if he pulls through this one. Make a donut out of a large towel place Pablo down inside so he can use the rim of the towel to prop his head up. If you have electrolytes for poultry mix some in water and offer to him. Unless you can take him to a vet I think this will just be support and watch and wait. Shock can make them off too. Very sorry for your losses with your other ducks, Hope Pablo pulls through.
He has no injuries I checked him allll over. The only injury he has is a very very small scratch in his leg. It's shorter then a pinky nail clipping.
He has been inside since I discovered what happened and he'll stay inside from here on out.
He is sort of drinking water but then he drools a bit. A moment ago it appeared as if he had begun to show interest in his food again. Only a little tho and just a few nibbles.
I am going to try the towel donut thing tho and hope he stays in the contraption.
When you lift his head up, does it flop back down? Can he actually hold up his head? Poor Pablo xx Maybe keep him inside with you if thats possible

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