Help, just lost 10 month old hen


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2024
We have 7 hens, all 10 months old. 4 bared rocks and 3 easter eggers. We noticed a few moths ago that the most docile one was getting its down feathers under its vent plucked from a few of the bigger hens. We noticed that she was staying away from the flock more than normal lately. She also has been not eating as aggressively as the others. This morning she was very lethargic and one of her wings was stiff and riased slightly. She was standing very still. I told my family that she would need to be separated from the flock this evening if she wasnt acting better by the afternoon. This afternoon, she was dead at the bottom of the coop stairs. The others all seem to be eating and acting normally. We are rather new raising chickens and never had this happen before. We last one hen 6 months ago to a hawk. We have been getting 5-6 eggs a day and they all seem happy and healthy until today.
We have 7 hens, all 10 months old. 4 bared rocks and 3 easter eggers. We noticed a few moths ago that the most docile one was getting its down feathers under its vent plucked from a few of the bigger hens. We noticed that she was staying away from the flock more than normal lately. She also has been not eating as aggressively as the others. This morning she was very lethargic and one of her wings was stiff and riased slightly. She was standing very still. I told my family that she would need to be separated from the flock this evening if she wasnt acting better by the afternoon. This afternoon, she was dead at the bottom of the coop stairs. The others all seem to be eating and acting normally. We are rather new raising chickens and never had this happen before. We last one hen 6 months ago to a hawk. We have been getting 5-6 eggs a day and they all seem happy and healthy until today. We put some blue kote on her bottom where there were some cuts from the pecking the last few weeks. We noticed that the edge of her beak had some purple this morning. I dont think she could reach the part of her body where the blue kote was
Im very sorry for the loss of your pullet.
How large is your coop?
Are they confined to a run? If so, how big is the run? Are there places where they can hide from each other?
Do they have more than one feeder and waterer?
If the others were picking on her, they're most likely going to begin picking on the next lowest one in the pecking order now that she is gone.
Thank you for your reply. It is an eglu mk2, with a 12' run. We used to free range them all day until a hawk got one, now we let them out for about an hour a day. We never noticed any pecking until they were in the run more. They did seem happier outside all day. just one waterer and one feeder. we give them kitchen scraps once a day as well. There is an Easter egger that was getting picked on a little bit in addition to the barred rock that just passed. They dont have a lot of hiding places in the run. there are two rooms in the coop, i did find her in the nesting box a lot.
maybe she accidentally spent the night outside the coop last night? it was pretty cold last night and she was missing about a 5" diameter circle of down feathers below her vent. i used to check on them after the auto door closes to make sure they all get in but they have been pretty good getting in before the door closes 20 minutes after dark. "Sweetie pie" was her name and she was the most docile and would always come running to us. i also was worried she might have been getting picked on because she was sick and we didnt know it. we treated the coop with food grade diatamatious earth just in case there were mites a few weeks ago.
Thank you for your reply. It is an eglu mk2, with a 12' run. We used to free range them all day until a hawk got one, now we let them out for about an hour a day. We never noticed any pecking until they were in the run more. They did seem happier outside all day. just one waterer and one feeder. we give them kitchen scraps once a day as well. There is an Easter egger that was getting picked on a little bit in addition to the barred rock that just passed. They dont have a lot of hiding places in the run. there are two rooms in the coop, i did find her in the nesting box a lot.
Honestly, after looking at those coops and runs, I don't think they have enough room. Crowding is usually the cause of picking. If you cannot add more room, you'll need to add activities. Is there room in your run for perches? Can you lean a pallet against a side for a hiding place?
I'd also provide an additional feeder and waterer. Bullies will always try and prevent the meek from eating and drinking. That leads to weakness and stress, and eventually death.
maybe she accidentally spent the night outside the coop last night? it was pretty cold last night and she was missing about a 5" diameter circle of down feathers below her vent. i used to check on them after the auto door closes to make sure they all get in but they have been pretty good getting in before the door closes 20 minutes after dark. "Sweetie pie" was her name and she was the most docile and would always come running to us. i also was worried she might have been getting picked on because she was sick and we didnt know it. we treated the coop with food grade diatamatious earth just in case there were mites a few weeks ago.
De won't kill mites or lice. You'll need permethrin powder for that. Did she show any signs of illness? Runny eyes, sneezing, or coughing? The missing feathers probably mean she was the victim of feather picking and bullying.
that is great to know. i had no idea. i will add a feeder and waterer. hiding place too. we move the coop around every month or so to get fresh grass. it was harder during the winter bc it was frozen down. we had a chicken swing in there but they didnt seem to ever use it. we took it out.
De won't kill mites or lice. You'll need permethrin powder for that. Did she show any signs of illness? Runny eyes, sneezing, or coughing? The missing feathers probably mean she was the victim of feather picking and bullying.
no sneezing or coughing. i didn't see anything with her eyes. she was definitely being bullied. i would see it from time to time happen.
no sneezing or coughing. i didn't see anything with her eyes. she was definitely being bullied. i would see it from time to time happen.
You might consider expanding their rum somehow. If your run is around 5' wide and 12' long that is just about right for 6 smaller hens. For medium to large, it is very tight.

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