Help me find hobbies for winter please!


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 13, 2018
Hi everyone! As the days get shorter and colder and darker, I increasingly long to get into bed and not get out until spring! Now, that’s a waste of 6 months, and I’d like to do better this year. I’m looking for ideas for hobbies to get through the winter in a more positive fashion this year.

I work full time and have 7 animals to take care of, so I stay relatively busy in those areas.

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become less cold tolerant. Hobbies around the fire sound great!

I have interest in art (pottery, painting), but no talent. I have a hard time making art that I will inevitably judge too harshly. I love to read, but space out quickly and fall asleep.

Right now, my winter hobby plans include watching Bald Eagles on Explore.

I would love to take a class, but my work schedule never stays the same. I’ll still look into it though.

I have issues with depression that worsen in the winter, so my biggest issue is turning thoughts to actions.

Any ideas?
Don't give up on painting just because you think you'll be critical. Even if you are, someone else might absolutely love what you've done!

Perhaps there's one-off classes instead of having a series of them? There seems to be a pottery class like that near me, but that would be a long drive for you. There may be something like it in your area, though.

I sometimes get an inkling to crochet. I find it easier than knitting, but I can hardly knit to save my life.

There's always jigsaw puzzles, beading, those diamond art things, and sewing (pj pants are easy to make!). Take a trip to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and see if anything looks interesting. 😃

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