Help - one eye won't open!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 11, 2007
I have a 3 day old Phoenix that has had both her eyes open since we got her (Sunday) and now this afternoon one eye will not open - there appears to be something almost hard under the eye - but nothing I can remove - she is eating and drinking water but doesn't squirm at all when I pick her up and usually she does - is there anything I can do? Do you think her eye was pecked????? Is there a medicine I can give, is this common? Sorry I am a new chicken mommy and am very paranoid and want the best for my girls!!
do you know what it could be?? Thank you so much I will head to the feed stor right away! THank you SOOOO much!~
it just opened now but still has the white stuff underneath - should i still apply the ointment?? Thank yoU!
I went up to the feed store just now and all they have is the powder solution that you put into their water - should I go ahead and put it in their water? The rest of the chicks seem to be doing fine and I don't want to give it to them if it will hurt the ones that don't seem to have the eye probelm! Please help! Or do you think the Phoenix will be fine until tomorrow when I can check with the feed store? Thank you!
I would get a bowl of warm water and a few cotton balls. Gently wipe her eye a few times. Let her rest, then try again. If she was pecked, and the eye watered from the injury, might just be stuck from drying up. Good luck. Hope she is better soon. My little Pheonix hen is such a baby doll, its easy to fall in love with them.
this sometimes also occurs as a result of vit A deficiency ... give three drops of Polyvisol (liquid childrens vitamins) for a week (into beak) and then taper off...
If it isn't a vitamin problem and I give her the vitamins will it hurt her??? I just have no idea, there are so many things it could be......

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