Hen recovers with Oxine


Jan 23, 2016
Not sure is this is the right forum. Thought the information would be helpful and I learned of Oxine here.

This hen was sick for about 8 weeks. Initially she was not coming out of the coop for about 4 weeks but otherwise looked normal. After further observation I noticed her having difficulty breathing and brought her inside while treating her with antibiotics for what seemed to be a respiratory issue. The antibiotics did not help and after further investigation I started to consider maybe it was fungal in nature. I decide to treat her with Oxine but needed to wait for a small vaporizer to arrive. The day it arrived she was near death. Her head and neck started to twist and contort while I held her in my lap which is a very strong sign that death in imminent. Treatment arrived just in the nick of time.
It is good that hour hen is doing better afterr the oxine. Respiratory diseases can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. Oxine is helpful with fungi. Most viruses or bacterial illness will last for a month or two, while fungal ones such as aspergillosis will last forever.
Hopefully, she will be fine, but keep in mind that most respiratory diseases, such as MG, ILT, coryza, and aspergillosis, are chronic, and may come back again and again whenever there is a stress such as molting or cold or wet weather. Infectious bronchitis is usually over after their recovery.

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