Hi from Colorado Springs, CO!


10 Years
Jun 21, 2009
Triangle, NC

I hope to get some chickens next spring (or fall?). My DH is not completely convinced but he's getting there.

While I like all the usual urban suspects (Orps, Rocks, etc.) I really want Delawares. But only if I can get non-hatchery stock as I am leery of hatchery Dels' temperaments. These will be primarily pets and I have children so increasing the odds of having friendly chooks is very important. However, DH thinks that buying a bator to get three pullets is a bit excessive. Maybe I could hire someone to hatch the eggs for me...?

Problem two is the coop. I love the looks of the Playhouse coop and these http://www.greenchickencoop.com/Our_Coops.html but I don't think DH and I could handle building either. Well, I think we could do everything but the framing. Wish the coop could be built gingerbread house style.

Oh, these will be semi-legal birds. City allows. Our covenants allow domestic fowl but all pets are to be kept indoors and three chickens will put us over the pet limit by one. However, none of the neighbors I've talked to even knew we had covenants, there is no HOA, and pretty much every house has some sort of violation. I'm not too worried. Worse comes to worse, I'll have to put the girls in our garage overnight. (Hey, if that is fine for the dogs...) Oh, and all outbuildings are supposed to be approved by 'someone' first. Don't think that will happen. Not even sure how to find out who that person is.

I know BYC is the fount of all chicken knowledge but can y'all recommend some books as well? I'd like a more...systematic...overview to help keep my head straight.
Greetings and Felicitations!
(figured I'd do a departure from the general "howdy" I usually toss out there!) It's nice to meet you; I hope you have great success with your chicken venture.

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