How can I tell if a goat has stomach upset?


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
We purchased 3 Pygmy-Alpine mutts (nanny and her 2 babies) last week, and so far everything is looking great. They've adjusted beautyfully to their new home and our family, and my kids are totally in love with them.
I have been warned of possible stomach problems, due to the move, change in diet, etc, and I'm wondering, what kind of symptoms I need to watch out for. I heard a loud, gurgling noise from the nanny's tummy this morning, and am now wondering, if this is something to be concerned about. They have baking soda available to them, but I don't think they've used it as of yet.
Any input is appreciated:)
Goats are ruminants, gurgles, rumblings and unladylike burps are all normal parts of the process. I would be much more concerned if there weren't weird noises coming from within.

Watch for runny poo and loss of appetite. Most healthy goats are always looking for a snack. Any goat that's not eating, looking for something to eat, or rechewing what it already ate, is one to watch.
Gurgleing is normal. If you see/hear them grinding their teeth or don't see them chewing any cud, that's a bad sign. You should definetly have goat Probiotics on hand. It's good for diet change, upset stomach, etc. You can get them at tractor supply or any goat catalog.
Thanks for all the answers! I guess our goats are doing good, then, and have handled the transition just fine. About the goat pro-biotics: would that be like the acidophilus we take? And also: I give my chickens yoghurt on a regular basis. Is that something the goats would benefit from, too?
Um, I don't really know what acidophilus are, but I wouldn't give them anything other than goat probiotics (including yogurt). It may be a different from "cultures (I forgot what you call them)" in their stomach. I'm not really sure though...
Glad you got your goats!!!! yeah!!!

They need probios for their rums. I believe we buy it from the tractor supply store.

Our yogurt doesn't have enough of the probiotics for them, although it is helpful for them. I'm happy you found them.
Definately keep eyes and ears peeled for tooth grinding.. a sound you won't likely forget.. when that happens get on the rumen issues!!! as far as yogurt.. it would work in a pinch.. but if you have ever tried to give a goat yogurt.. good luck..hahaha.. typically one has to use a drench gun or turkey baster and even though yogurt seemingly would taste good you end up wearing it more than them swallowing!! Get your self a tube of probios gel/paste.. can be found at any feed supply store or on line they sell it at all livestock feed suppliers.. there is also one marketed for goats.. think it is the "goats prefer" brand..
This cold morning my Nubian is shaking his head and spitting up. I've offered fresh water and his best grain,I rubbed his tummy and he quit spitting, I'm wondering if anyone had gone thru this with their goat
If a goat is having any digestive issues, offer dry hay and withhold the grain.

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