How long do you lock them in the coop?


15 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Coastal Southern California
We just this minute moved our four girls to the coop. We were going to wait a few more weeks, but we're leaving on vacation Tuesday and decided it will be easier for our sons to manage the chickens if they're in the coop rather than moving them back and forth from brooder to pen. Fewer variables = less chance for tragedy, I think.

I've read that it's best to leave them locked in the coop for a few days so they know it's "home". Is two days long enough?

Also, I moved their brooder into the coop so it will be familiar. Because I have back problems and can't bend much, I'm trying to acclimate them to the counter-top level in the coop. They have a ladder to get down to the ground. Do you think they'll figure out to walk over to their waterer and get down to the floor and back up?

I left mine in lockdown for two weeks, but only because they were much older than normal when we moved them to it. A week should do it.
I would be afraid of some of them not reaching the elevated food and water though. Can you provide a second feeder and waterer on ground level as back up?
We have a hanging waterer at ground level. We'll add a hanging feeder, too. Just wanted to start them out up above so they're comfortable there. Oh - and we've added pine shavings since the photo was taken.

They've been in there a few hours, seem happy. DH is working on the ladders to provide more traction as the sides are a bit slippery since they were painted.

No heat lamp - DH is really worried about having one in there. Our lows are mid-50's and will only go higher once the fog eventually leaves - ugh - people think we have such great weather here but the summer fog is so annoying!

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Bawk, I went to your blog to try and figure out your girls age. They were four weeks old on July 16th, is that correct?
Your coop is beautiful and it looks sturdy and draft free. I'm sure they'll be fine without the heat lamp. I'm with your DH. Coop fires happen and they are very tragic.
They'll snuggle down in the pine shavings if they get chilly.
Be prepared for tremendous growth from here on out. Something about being out in the coop causes rapid development.
Thanks for the input.

The girls are 6 weeks old.

DH is out there in the dark working on the ladders for them. Sweet guy.
He only begrudgingly bought in to the chicken project but has moved heaven and earth to make sure we have a safe coop for them.

Interesting about the increased growth - I wonder if there's a possibility that they grow based on how much room they have?

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