How much gaping does a brid with gape worm do?


13 Years
Oct 26, 2007
Rhode Island
Before I give up on all of this, I just want to be sure my birds don't have gape worm. My rooster died and he had lymphomas around his liver (he was nine) and the vets believe it was Marek's. I have only three hens. None are laying, none are eating a lot, they don't seem sick yet (but I know better now). They are gaping, at night when they are going to sleep, after they eat, when it seems they are a bit hot. They are flicking their heads too. However, during the day when they are out and about, I don't see these things. So, my question is, how much gaping do you see with gape worm? When they do it, they sometimes do it for a while, minutes at a time.

I had wormed them with Valbazen, but didn't repeat in ten days. A fecal had come back completely negative from my rooster. I also did a fecal on my hens (combined) a week or so later, which was negative also hoping that this was what was wrong with them. I don't want to stress anyone out by bringing them to the vet to get checked unless there's a good possibility that this is what's wrong with them. I won't stick a q-tip down their throat either, as none would take that calmly and I'm pretty sure I'd screw up. If this sounds more like them being hot with itchy beards, rearranging their food, etc, then I'll just continue the supportive care, and wait... Did I mention that this sucks?
It's not gapeworm. Gapeworm are rare in chickens. It's most likely due to the heat. Perhaps you can mount a small fan inside their house and having it blowing air out a vent. Air will be sucked in through the other vents providing indirect airflow. You dont want the fan blowing air directly on your chickens at night, indirect airflow is the way to go keeping them comfortable as well as blowing out foul air due to droppings.
Thanks Gitabooks and Dawg53. I think it may have to do with heat. I do have a few fans going and when it's really hot I've been freezing bottles of water, sitting them in plastic containers and nestling them in their sleeping box (they don't roost). They snuggle right up to them and it really does help to keep them comfortable.

SO - they haven't been eating much at all or laying for about three weeks. I began to give them hypericum three days ago. They ate well today and this eve. I am very skeptical, but perhaps it makes them feel better. Maybe it alleviates pain. Who knows. Show me an egg and I might start believing!
You might want to join in one of the Marek's threads and expalin your situation there. It might be possible tumors caused by Marek's might be affecting your hens, since the vets suspected Marek's in your rooster. I dont know much about Marek's. Nambroth and Seminolewind know a great deal about Marek's and you could ask them if you wish.
You might want to join in one of the Marek's threads and explain your situation there. It might be possible tumors caused by Marek's might be affecting your hens, since the vets suspected Marek's in your rooster. I dont know much about Marek's. Nambroth and Seminolewind know a great deal about Marek's and you could ask them if you wish.

Yes, that's the fear, that they have tumors as well. I've now read quite a lot, many things point to it, but I remain hopeful for a miracle. I may ask the two members you suggest. The vets however, do think that's what killed my rooster (necropsy) and if that's true, then my hen absolutely, definitely have it. I guess I don't want to accept this. They are not very sick yet (but of course, they're not laying and until tonight, not eating much). They love to free range and dust bath and are not just scrunching up and sitting there, but with Marek's sometimes birds don't show a lot of symptoms. I've been obsessed about this - just taking care of the girls. Haven't seen my poor blind horse in a week. (Actually, she does quite well, but always does better when I'm around.) Thank you for your suggestions.

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