I stepped on a baby chick. Feeling like garbage.

fat brown hen

Jun 12, 2022
I stepped on a 2-week old chick today. It struggled for a bit and then died. I feel horrible.

What really makes me sick is that I don't even know how it happened. The chick was with a broody hen and then suddenly under my foot. Is this a sign that I have too many chickens? I feel like I must be doing something wrong if I am trampling my own animals to death. Soooo much guilt :(
I don’t have adequate words but that’s awful and I’m so sorry. I would feel guilty as well. It could have just been an accident and not to do with how many birds you have. I don’t know what your setup is like. Try not to beat yourself up too badly for this — I know that’s easier to say than do, but you need to find a way to forgive yourself. If your chickens and chicks are comfortable enough to be around you at your feet, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Sending you hugs, accidents happen. We are huge, they are fast and tiny and our eyes can't be everywhere at once. It wasn't your fault but I know I would feel the same way as you. You just need to find a way to forgive yourself for the accident. What would you say to someone else if they told you they did that? Show yourself that same love and understanding you would show someone else.
Condolences, wish I could do more than just say a few words to ease the pain. 😭
Aww, that stinks. I'm sorry it happened.

I feel like it's part of having chickens. You get chickens underfoot and eventually clobber one with a stove-length while chopping wood, or drop lumber on one, or run one over with a wheelbarrow. You'd never manage it if you tried, but they have a talent for surprising you by meeting with a stupid and unlikely accident every so often.
I'm so sorry. As PPs have said, accidents happen, and even though you may feel responsible, it's not necessarily your fault. I had a chick I put a waterer down in the brooder and didn't realize she hadn't had the awareness yet to move out of the way. The only reason she survived is because she was nestled into bedding underneath, and it wasn't very heavy, but it could have easily gone the other way. They are not that bright unfortunately, and sadly they don't all make it, for whatever reason or another. A loss is always sad, but it's also part of life. (((Hugs)))

If you care to share, please feel free to tell us more about your flock and your setup. I have some new babies, I would love to give to one of my hens to try to raise, but I'm not sure I really have the logistics in place for that at the moment... It's a beautiful thing you've got going there.
Thanks everyone for the kind replies... I still feel like I deserve to be smacked upside the head and called an idiot... sigh.

If you care to share, please feel free to tell us more about your flock and your setup. I have some new babies, I would love to give to one of my hens to try to raise, but I'm not sure I really have the logistics in place for that at the moment... It's a beautiful thing you've got going there.
I have 15 hens and a rooster... they are game mixes, so the hens are constantly broody. I let the broodies hatch one or two eggs at a time, they raise the chicks in the same coop as everyone else. This hen had 2 chicks and now she only has one :( The broody-raised chicks usually steer clear of me, so I am still shook up that this happened.
I don’t have adequate words but that’s awful and I’m so sorry. I would feel guilty as well. It could have just been an accident and not to do with how many birds you have. I don’t know what your setup is like. Try not to beat yourself up too badly for this — I know that’s easier to say than do, but you need to find a way to forgive yourself. If your chickens and chicks are comfortable enough to be around you at your feet, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
My chick got stepped on Saturday. Just darted as I took a step. Now it's still alive but having trouble with focusing on food. It pecks at the air. I've been hand feeding a mixture of soggy feed,raw egg yolk and a bit of water. Any ideas welcome.
One of my hens Evie has issues with her vision and she pecks at the air. It takes her several times to get whatever she is pecking for and she also has to make several attempts to line herself up right with feeders and waterers. I think she has some sort of double vision at least in one eye. I’m not sure what could have happened when your chick got hurt but I thought I would tell you about Evie to give you some reassurance that they can learn to live with sight difficulties. Evie is one of my most robust hens.

You can try using your finger to see if she can focus and then moving it from side to side to see if she follows it with her eyes. This could give you an indication of whether she can see at all and from one or both eyes.

Sorry I can’t be of more help :(
I stepped on a 2-week old chick today. It struggled for a bit and then died. I feel horrible.

What really makes me sick is that I don't even know how it happened. The chick was with a broody hen and then suddenly under my foot. Is this a sign that I have too many chickens? I feel like I must be doing something wrong if I am trampling my own animals to death. Soooo much guilt :(
i dont believe you have too many animals. it was an accident and it happens as much as we wish it didn't.

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