Is my incubator showing the right humidity?

Frodo the Pekin

Jul 26, 2023
Hello!! I bought my first incubator recently with the intention of hatching some of my duck eggs. I intend to get the eggs in tomorrow, so I plugged in the bator starting today, so I'll be sure all the temp and humidity stuff is good and well prepped for the eggs.

My bator is a pretty basic circular one that uses water channels for the right humidity. On the instructions it says that duck eggs need 75% humidity for the period before lockdown, and for that I should only fill the larger channel (channel B). (Channel A is made to hold 60% humidity and is meant for chicken eggs and I'll need to fill that one too once the lockdown period starts for 80-85% humidity). I filled channel B as instructed but even with all the little vent holes covered up it would only go up to 62%. The temp is alright though, ~38°C.

With me having filled the channel as stated in the instructions which means it should be about 75%, I wonder whether the hygrometer built in the bator might be off? Or maybe it isnt since the temperature seems to be alright. I already ordered a hygrometer which I hope is more accurate. But also, maybe the hygrometer is accurate and I just need to add sponges or wet rags inside the bator? What do you guys think? I want to give my duck eggs the best chance at hatching and I read the right humidity in the first few days is absolutely crucial.

P.S.: I set the bator on my bathroom floor which might be a cause of the loss in humidity since bathrooms are usually pretty humid. But I'm not sure if it's the case
OK!! It seems like there's been a mistake on my part. 75% humidity is tremendous for duck eggs even for the first part of the incubation. Online the reccomendations seem to average 40% humidity. But my incubator instructions advise 75% and 85%-90% during lockdown which compared to what everyone says online is huge. Should I stop worrying then and just try to bring it down and leave it at about 40%?

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