just got 25 two-week chicks - have questions - please help!

Oh, another thing. When you do order or get yourself pullet chicks, I'd keep them away from these meat birds as they have been in a "commercial" farmers setting where it is possible they have picked up some undesirable stuffs. I don't know how important that is but for birds that are to live a few years rather than 2 months, I'd think it would be best to keep them apart.
thank you silkiechicken. You have been very helpful. I think I will get some 2 day olds day after tomorrow, and keep them inside for a while.
Then, having figured out how to post pics, I can post pics of them!!
Some commercial operations keep their birds under red lights all the time to reduce pecking and cannabilism. I wonder if that's what your guys were under - and that's why they had trouble keeping their eyes open in natural light at first - ?
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hmmmm.....good point chickbea

They seem to be doing fine outside in the coop now - they're learning how to take dust baths - they're flapping their wings and they come running when I call them (they figure "oh, mom.....food").

Now, on to the next 25 chicks - I just got more babies today. Five silver-laced wyandottes, 5 barred rocks, 5 RIRs, 5 buff orpingtons, and five black sex-links. I went to take pics and my camera battery is dead, so I'm having to wait until the morning when they're recharged before I can post pics. But they're so CUTE!!
Got a heat lamp on them, a waterer and feeder, and pine shavings. They're in a big cardboard box in the utility room where the cats can't get at them.
More later, got to get up with the chickens in the morning (pun intended), have to be at work at 5:00am. Goodnight. Do they have a sleepy smiley?
How adorable, and what a nice mix of breeds you have. You're going to have eggs coming out your ears!!!

i have a 18 day old chick

and when she was younger she also had her eyes closed alot

but dont worry hopefully they'll grow out of it like mine did

if not im sorry!

thats the way the cookie crumbles!


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