Keeping rats out of the coop


In the Brooder
Oct 13, 2023
I had three thriving baby chicks. They had flight feathers and where getting fairly large. We have a coop outside, so I wanted to give them a chance to get a dust bath in.
I know we have rats outside. They come and steal food from the ducks and our rooster. My dog thinks they’re all friends. Our other dog will go after them, but also the other animals. So no help here.
Last time I put them out I caught a rat trying to get into the coop. I had been checking on them about every 15 to 20min.
I stupidly lost track of time yesterday. I have a 1 year old and got caught up with him. In the span of an hour, rats managed to dog under and take two of them. I remembered they where out and caught one tryin go to drag my largest baby out. I was too late for all of them. I’m heartbroken, they where so lovin B and it could have been prevented.
My husband is thinking if we get hardware cloth, it will be a better preventative. Cover everything, including the floor. Will that be enough?
Where we live chickens run free. If I can’t keep new chicks safely contained, I may just wait until they’re large enough to roam the yard and bring them in at night.
Any advice is appreciated!
My husband is thinking if we get hardware cloth, it will be a better preventative. Cover everything, including the floor. Will that be enough?
Half inch hardware cloth installed correctly is effective against rats, raccoon, opossum, etc.. with exception to like legs hanging through when used as flooring in a brooder or quail cage type situation.

They (rats) have been caught eating a full grown chicken off roost at night as well. excluding them is a great choice ff your coop makes that a viable option.

Sounds like an investment worth making.

Sorry for your loss! :hugs


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It obviously needs a lot of work. We made it for a baby rooster that was almost pecked to death. He ended up sleeping in a crate in the house at night and never really used it. Now that he’s matured, he comes inside if there’s a bigger roster in the yard. Otherwise he sleeps in the trees. We just hadn’t planned on keeping chickens and have no idea what we’re doing.
Half inch hardware cloth installed correctly is effective against rats, raccoon, opossum, etc.. with exception to like legs hanging through when used as flooring in a brooder or quail cage type situation.

They (rats) have been caught eating a full grown chicken off roost at night as well. excluding them is a great choice ff your coop makes that a viable option.

Sounds like an investment worth making.

Sorry for your loss! :hugs
Thank you, that’s what we’re hoping. Most dogs roam around where we live, so poison isn’t an option.
I’ve been watching YouTube videos on how to keep rats out. One of the main problems is these rats are fearless. They’re out all day and night.
Thank you for the response.
Since the coop is small, you might consider hardware cloth on the bottom ~ under the floor. If you don’t plan on a floor, stake it down before adding dirt.
We have a 12” deep apron around enclosed chicken run and the rats burrowed under it. I don’t think it’s that common, but they did.
I had three thriving baby chicks. They had flight feathers and where getting fairly large. We have a coop outside, so I wanted to give them a chance to get a dust bath in.
I know we have rats outside. They come and steal food from the ducks and our rooster. My dog thinks they’re all friends. Our other dog will go after them, but also the other animals. So no help here.
Last time I put them out I caught a rat trying to get into the coop. I had been checking on them about every 15 to 20min.
I stupidly lost track of time yesterday. I have a 1 year old and got caught up with him. In the span of an hour, rats managed to dog under and take two of them. I remembered they where out and caught one tryin go to drag my largest baby out. I was too late for all of them. I’m heartbroken, they where so lovin B and it could have been prevented.
My husband is thinking if we get hardware cloth, it will be a better preventative. Cover everything, including the floor. Will that be enough?
Where we live chickens run free. If I can’t keep new chicks safely contained, I may just wait until they’re large enough to roam the yard and bring them in at night.
Any advice is appreciated!
I found the bucket trap lids in Amazon! No need to DIY! Can’t wait to start rounding em up

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