Killing and freezing without butchering?


6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
Please Help. I am new at this, my husband is gone for 2 weeks so he can't help me.
A weasel has started killing our meat chickens one at a time. We have lost 9 chickens now, I am not having luck trapping the weasel. I want to kill the rest of the chickens while we still have some left (maybe 8) but I don't know how and frankly I don't want to learn. I am almost puking every day I have to go out there and find another dead chicken.
My question is, Can I kill the chickens and freeze them feathers, guts and all and let my husband do the butchering when he gets back? Is this possible?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Personally I would not do this. There are too many variables to consider that would make the meat inedible. The entrails will contaminate the food.
I grew up on a farm and my father always said to never, ever store or freeze anything without cleaning it first. You can get very ill.
The problem with freezing them whole is as they thaw out the guts will be breaking down and imparting foul flavor to the meat. It's possible to gut them while every thing is still frozen but much harder. If you've a kind neighbor or relative to aid you I'd go that route first, I mean you still have to kill the chickens so might as well gut them. If plucking is a problem simply skin them to make quick work of it all. My first butcher I took the wings and skin off as there's no meat there and the recipe they were used for doesn't call for skin.
X3 , I would be way too worried about the meat being spoiled by the guts. Where are you located? I'm sure someone near you would be more than happy to help you skin/pluck & gut in exchange for a chicken or 2.
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Thanks for your quick responses. I did go to a neighbor, he will come over tonight and probably butcher and keep them. It was a lot of time and money wasted on chicks, feed, fencing, etc but I guess we learned much as we want to be, we are not cut out for this

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