Lethargic after laying a soft shell egg

Grey Gables

Dec 30, 2019

I have a one year old Easter Egger who I noticed acting very unlike herself this afternoon. Wasn’t interested in food, hanging out by herself, lethargic, sometimes sitting and closing her eyes. I did see her drink a little water. Kept watching her and eventually she laid a soft shell egg. I was hoping she’d bounce back and maybe she was just struggling with that egg. But she’s still acting off.

My chickens have access to plenty of oyster shell. Not sure if the soft shell egg is a coincidence or related to whatever is bothering my hen. Seems like all the common chicken illnesses have similar symptoms, so just not sure what to think or try. Is it possible she’s just feeling crappy from laying the egg? Any thoughts/advice would be appreciated.

I did call around to a few vets in the area who will see chickens and unfortunately since it’s a Friday afternoon, no one can squeeze me in.
I would give her a calcium tablet or Tums orally, and then try to get her eating and drinking. Hold a small scoop or lid up to her beak. Scrambled egg bits or wet chicken feed are good, and water is most important. You can insert a clean finger into her vent to see if she has another egg inside the vent. Hopefully, this is a temporary problem, and the calcium will help. Being egg bound and passing shell-less eggs or having eggs break inside can make them feel weak and lethargic. It sometimes happens more than once, and can be a sign of a reproductive disorder.
I would give her a calcium tablet or Tums orally, and then try to get her eating and drinking. Hold a small scoop or lid up to her beak. Scrambled egg bits or wet chicken feed are good, and water is most important. You can insert a clean finger into her vent to see if she has another egg inside the vent. Hopefully, this is a temporary problem, and the calcium will help. Being egg bound and passing shell-less eggs or having eggs break inside can make them feel weak and lethargic. It sometimes happens more than once, and can be a sign of a reproductive disorder.
Thank you! Hopefully it is just a one time or temporary issue. *fingers crossed*

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