Lethargic rescue chick


Never say Never
Premium Feather Member
Mar 8, 2022
Blessed Easter!

I took in this little one a few days ago- she was a TSC rescue and was a bit lethargic on day one. Her companion passed away the same day and was breathing heavily and gasping (she had been trampled in the broader bin). This little one here, named Fatima, has been a trooper. She's been practically living inside my shirt for the last few days and doesn't seem to know how/doesn't want to eat on her own, so she's been syringe fed egg yolk mixed with powdered chick starter and I started tube feeding her last night with an omnivorus critical liquid diet for birds. She's also given NutriDrench chick electrolytes mixed with a little B12 and colloidal silver. We started tube feeding due to her losing weight (43g on the 28th- 40g last night) After tube feeding, she gained 4g overnight which is great, but is back to being lethargic... I was very careful when tubing and ensured I could feel the rubber tube in her throat before administering the food.

My heart is absolutely broken at the thought of losing her, but I'm not sure what else I can do... or what even is wrong with her. She does still have what looks to be a tiny navel scab, and she often cleans her vent area. We believe she's about 5days old. I have her in front of a heater in my bathroom right now and I'm just sitting with her. Any advice? She's a buff orpington (I think)

P.S. here are attachments of her stool... they look a bit strange to me. The picture of her alert is from yesterday morning. The other image is her currently


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The other two images didn't send..


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(43g on the 28th- 40g last night) After tube feeding, she gained 4g overnight
Scratch that- she's back down to 39g... her poops are huge and her crop is very slow on emptying..
Curious if your little Fatima is still with us?

Dealing with a similar situation myself. Chick not eating, watery stools and actively losing weight.
Curious if your little Fatima is still with us?

Dealing with a similar situation myself. Chick not eating, watery stools and actively losing weight.
Hello! Unfortunately, she passed away on Easter morning... I resorted to tube feeding, which did seem to help, but I think she may have just been too weak at that point. Wishing your lil chick the best!

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