Lily of the Valley


5 Years
Aug 15, 2018
Southeast PA (Bucks County)
I let three of my 10 girls truly free range and they got into my lily-of-the-valley plants. I just looked it up it looks like it is poisonous. They only ate some of the leaves. Should I be concerned?
Yes. They will kill a cat. They are on the poisonous list for chickens. They are toxic. I don't know what you would treat poisoning with though.
No, I'm sorry. On the bright side, if you search the old threads here there are several discussing chickens eating Lilies & having no adverse effects, so I don't know. I do know the plant is highly toxic so if your chickens ate them some time ago & are showing no ill effects they will probably be ok. I would be getting rid of those plants though.
One of my girls was found dead in the coop this morning, only one year old grey Ameraucana. The only thing I can think of is that she possibly ate some lily of the valley leaves, I found some leaves today with what looked like peck marks taken out of them. We dug up all of the plants and roots and put them in the trash. So sad, I loved this little girl so much! So beautiful and lovely blue eggs.
One of my girls was found dead in the coop this morning, only one year old grey Ameraucana. The only thing I can think of is that she possibly ate some lily of the valley leaves, I found some leaves today with what looked like peck marks taken out of them. We dug up all of the plants and roots and put them in the trash. So sad, I loved this little girl so much! So beautiful and lovely blue eggs.
So sorry to hear this .... my girls were ok after eating the leaves but I keep them away now. So sorry for your loss!!

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