Liquid Corid dose for chicks?


12 Years
May 14, 2011
North Florida
I have chicks that are almost a week old. I "think" one may have coccidiosis... She isn't moving about as much as the others and there was a bit of blood in her poo.

I have liquid corid on hand but do not know what the dose is for a small waterer. I have a 1 qt chick waterer or a 1 gallon waterer. Are they too young to treat? What is the dose?

Thanks so much!
The dose on the liquid is 9.6 ml's, or 2 teaspoons to make it easy, per gallon. So for a quart you would use 2.5 ml's, or half a teaspoon.

They are not to young to treat and if you are seeing lethargy and bloody poop you are wise to treat right away.

X2, good advice!

If you just started seeing symptoms then it's probably not to late and you should see improvement quickly, often within 24 hours. Just watch the one who is acting sick, she may not be drinking enough on her own. When I have one acting like that I will give it the medicated water with an eyedropper, very slowly and carefully, every two or three hours the first day. Usually by the next day they are feeling much better and eating and drinking fine on their own.
Thank so much! I just put 1/2 tsp in their quart waterer. Hope it's not too late... And I hope that's the problem.

Good luck!

For the chic in question, it appears her feet are turning red? There is no pecking going on but she seems a bit unsteady on her feet?

She was fine this morning it seemed.
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