Looking for Baby Starlings in Washington State


In the Brooder
May 21, 2021
Hi there! I am looking for a young nestling or fledgling European Starling to raise as a pet. Because they are considered an invasive species, they are not protected like other wild birds and are 100% legal to own. They are truly wonderful pets, full of personality, and capable of mimicking human voices and other sounds just like parrots (YouTube it, it's awesome)! I have started offering to clean out friends' and neighbors' barns, garages, and attics if they have a Starling problem, removing the nests, and sealing the holes. I am more than willing to do this for anyone who wants the birds removed humanely. If you have an unwanted Starling family nesting in your home and you live in Eastern Washington state, around the Wenatchee area, please let me know! I'd love to be able to find a nest with eggs or young nestlings as I have experience raising Starlings and I have a habitat ready to go! Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a great day! :)
Hey I have 6 nestling starlings, they were living above are microwave and fell to an area they couldn’t get out. We removed them and placed in a box with new nesting materials outside. The parents still come by to feed them. We are about 3hrs from Wenatchee if you still wanted some

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