Loose stools and molting


Professional Chicken Wrangler
Premium Feather Member
May 23, 2021
Central Ontario, Canada
Is it normal for chickens to have loose stools while molting? I have a year and half old hen who is going through her first big molt and she is having loose stools. She is eating and pecking around outside but she looks unhappy; of course she generally is shy and goes off on her own and is lower on the pecking order here.
No, loose stools are not directly related to molt. The appetite drops off with some birds, though, and if they drink a lot of water, it can result in watery poop. But you should investigate other reasons for this. If her lethargy increases and the watery poop becomes stinky diarrhea, you could be looking at bacterial infection.
No, loose stools are not directly related to molt. The appetite drops off with some birds, though, and if they drink a lot of water, it can result in watery poop. But you should investigate other reasons for this. If her lethargy increases and the watery poop becomes stinky diarrhea, you could be looking at bacterial infection.
Thanks - I will keep an eye on her, if she changes I will get my Vet to prescribe me something. This raising chickens is as stressful as with the horses - sheesh!

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