Lots of um, poo around hen's butt/vent: how to clean?


Jun 15, 2019
Magnolia, TX
Odd question I know . . . .

One of my hens has always had a rather sloppy rear end. Recently feces is now caked all over her butt/vent. So, um, how do I go about getting this cleaned up?

Pull filthy feathers out?
Some type of bath/rinse?


If it's warm where you live, use a garden hose to spray off her rear end. Then release her to go about her business.
Your other option is to put her in a container of warm water and wash off her rear end. Wear disposable gloves. Then pat dry the area with an old towel or use a hair dryer to dry her fluff and feathers.
You can use scissors to trim back fluff, but not too much. Urates in feces will scald her skin causing redness and irritation.
Success. Note: the kitchen sink's dish nozzle hose thingy with warm water works well.

The wife can NEVER know we cleaned the chicken's a$$ in the kitchen sink . . . . .


Yes, in our house reverse that to husband can never know we cleaned the chicken's a$$ in the kitchen sink (hey, it's the only one with a disposal) ... depending on the chicken's disposition, I've found that using a cutting board at a 45 degree angle across the sink can make it easier to target just the dirty areas and lessen dry time- chicken gets laid on its side on the cutting board, butt suspended over the open sink, for the calm ones that will just stand there, I put an old dish towel in the sink so they don't slip.

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