Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

asdf irony GIF
Looney Tunes Running GIF by Looney Tunes World of Mayhem
We weren't in the totality path, only partial but we've had clouds all day so didn't get to see nothing 🙁 .
It did get a bit darker during that time but it also could've been heavier clouds going over too 😆
We had clouds too, but I did get 4 little momentary breaks in the clouds. The one time by the time I took a quick look and passed the welding helmet to the hubby it was already behind the clouds.
Chonkers girls have been passing on their Z genes and before I set eggs I clearly told them they needed to pass along their W genes. The chicks are pretty clearly boys from a really early age, check out this comb development at 2 1/2 weeks old :eek:

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I'm sure it's just the way it feels, but it seems I have at least 75% boys 🤣

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