My baby Saxony's at 2 & 3 weeks


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jan 17, 2012
Here's a couple pics of my baby Saxony Ducks. When I first got them I had them in a rabbit cage tucked in the corner of my chicken coop with the chickens. A week later I took the cage out and let them run free inside the coop. They're all getting along great!!! In fact a couple of my chickens like to keep an eye on them to make sure they're safe. It's really cute. I started letting them outside during the daytime this past weekend and they LOVE IT!!! I just can't believe how fast they're growing already. It looks like they are starting to get some feathers in on their wings but of course they're not too big yet.

Here they are at 10 days (when we got them)

Here they are at 3 weeks (taken April 17th)

LOL M.kitchengirl!

Sounds like you have some good Momma chickens there!

The ducklings are very cute.
Oh my word - yet another super cute duck pic today!
Great pics, thanks for sharing!
I have 5 Saxony duck eggs in my incubator on lockdown. I kept googling images of saxony ducklings, but yours are by far the best photos I've seen. Thank you so much for sharing. They are a beautiful bunch!
I have 5 Saxony duck eggs in my incubator on lockdown. I kept googling images of saxony ducklings, but yours are by far the best photos I've seen. Thank you so much for sharing. They are a beautiful bunch!

You're welcome. I'm going to keep taking weekly pictures until they're adults so I can see the changes each week. I should start a blog page somehow lol. I too was having a very hard time finding good pictures of Saxony Ducks. I did find a good one on here somewhere and I saved it onto my computer so my kids have an idea of what they'll look like. Unfortunatly I can't get it to paste on here. They are alot of fun so far!!!!


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