New baby chick has twitching head.


9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada
Picked her up yesterday. Very chirpy, no problems with walking/activity. She is only a few days old. Have her in a homemade brooder in house. She was twitching head on ride home as well. I hoped that it would stop, but hasn't. Anyone have ideas?
I have one that does that as well. Is it an active tremor? Mine only shakes when actively using her head, not when she's sleeping or resting. It's eating and trying to use her head, that cause the tremor.

She's a rescue chicken, and has done that since she was hatched. The person receiving her didn't get called by the post office and the chicks went without food or water for a 4 days, and some developed this disorder.

I think it's a type of brain damage from lack of water, and mine is 7 weeks old and it hasn't gotten any better.

When they are very very young, it's not likely Maerk's and most I've seen with this disorder have been too long without water.
I have integrated the chicks with my grey girl (EE or ameracauna cross) who has broody since I got her. She has taken over all parenting - no brooder in the house now (to my cats dismay). I went to check on them this morning and don't see her doing this anymore. I only got a little peek, so I'm still watching.
I have a silkie that does that. She's normal otherwise, almost a year old lays regularly....she's done it since she was a few weeks old. I've talked to others that say their silkies do it also. I just think it's a silkie thing
I know this thread is old. But we just got a 2 day old Americana chick. I noticed it the drive home. I just hope it's not serious or long term. Any thoughts
I know this is an old thread, but we just got a 2 day old Americana chick and she does this too. I noticed it the drive home. I hope it's not serious or long term. Any thoughts?

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