Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

How do you name your pet chickens?

  • We don’t name our chickens!

    Votes: 33 6.9%
  • We let the kids name them.

    Votes: 79 16.5%
  • We give them old-fashioned names (Flora, Prissy, Hazel, etc.).

    Votes: 84 17.5%
  • We start their names with the same letter (Bailey, Barb, Beatrice, etc.).

    Votes: 13 2.7%
  • We name them by personality (Sassy, Gabby, Bossy, etc.).

    Votes: 116 24.2%
  • We name them after food (Peanut, Nugget, etc.).

    Votes: 83 17.3%
  • We don’t have a special system.

    Votes: 167 34.9%
  • We name them by appearance (Red, Fluffy, Lavender, etc.).

    Votes: 153 31.9%
  • Other (elaborate in a reply below)

    Votes: 157 32.8%

  • Total voters
All are named. Mostly by the kids.

There’s …

Ruby ( has no red on her)
Monsieur D’Uccle- a roo
Bob- a roo
Sir Rides - a roo
Three for famous women: Elizabeth, Ruth and Rosalind
Sweet Pea
Sour Pea
Yertle the Chicken ( she’s king of the pond)
Two of my cockerels - Nankin/bantam EE crosses - earned their monikers today - because of their crows! One young fellow has a very short crow. He leaves out the "doodle" from his "Cock-a-Doodle-Do." It sounds like he's saying "Howdy-Do," instead, so he's "Howdy." I think I know where his "doodle" went - his brother stole it. HIS crow has an extra one - "Cock-a-Doodle-Doodle-Do." So, of course, he's "Doodles!"
When we had our first flock our children were small, and named them. The two roosters were Ping and Pong. The hens were Clover, Little Red Hen, and...I have forgotten the others!

In my current flock I used Biblical names. My head roo is Joel, who was a prophet, kind of a towncrier. The second roo has brown and white feathers that looked like stripes in the US flag, so I named him Sam (Uncle Sam), which became Samuel, another prophet. The Sussex pullets are Rahab, Hannah, and Martha (who is much stressed over stuff like her namesake in the Bible!). The Dominique pullets were given random Biblical names: Abigail, Tamar, Naomi, and Lydia. Abigail is very forward, so she also fits her namesake! :lol:
Unless I've got a theme planned in my head, most of the names I come up with are dumb. I take into consideration temperament, looks, living situation. Then I come up with something really dumb, usually in Greek. Dumb names sound better in Greek

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