One chicken being bullied! HELP!!


5 Years
Jul 5, 2014
I've had my 6 hens for 2 1/2 years (had them since they were hatched) and I've never had a rooster with them. There's always been a pecking order but it's never been severe and it's always been rotating (moving from one hen to the next as to who is the head hen). This morning when I went outside, five of the hens were attacking the sixth. I've never seen them do this before and never seen them be so violent. There were two of them that were especially violent and would not let up. The chicken being bullied (her name is Sheilah) is not sick nor injured (but had a bloody crown that I cleaned) so I have no idea why this is happening. I separated her from the other five inside the coop using an old puppy play pen so she is comfortable and has room to peck and scratch with a place to perch and roost with food, water and shade. I didn't want her to feel like she was the one being punished! She didn't like being in there and escaped. At first it was quiet but a while into the day the attacking started again. When I went into the coop, poor Sheliah literally jumped into my arms for safety! I put her back into her safe area and although she doesn't really like it, she's settled in and is perching quietly this afternoon. I'm at a loss for this behavior so I hope some of you have some suggestions or ideas as to what's now going on in my coop!! Thanks in advance for your help! One more thing - I live outside of Phoenix, AZ and it's July 5th so it's hot. Our monsoon season just started so the humidity is also much higher than usual. I wanted to add that info in case someone thinks it may be a factor although these birds have been in the heat for 2 other summers. They have a "chicken pool" to stay cooler - and they use it! Thanks again!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! There is a good article in the Learning Center on bully behavior you might want to check out The weather is probably making them irritable and that often leads to bad behavior. You might try separating the bully birds, giving them more to do to keep there attention of the one bird, if it keeps going you might want toi consider pinless peepers. Do check the bird being picked on very closely, flock mates will often go after sick birds.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry you are having these issues. Yes, sometimes if they are in the right mood, or it is hot outside, they feel cramped in, hungry, tired, all sorts of things can make them go off. Try keeping the bully/bullies separated for a week or so to chill them out and hopefully this solves the problem.

If it continues, you may want to consider pinless peepers. I have had good luck using them on my flock leader who used to be brutal with the other hens when she was younger.

Good luck and I hope you can get this solved soon!
YES, the bullies need some time out in chicken jail. Is the wounded girl the lowest in the pecking order? Personally I do not think the bullies will stop - I would encourage you to try the pinless peepers because your HOT and HUMIDITY is not going away for quite awhile.

If they still would want to bully and attack, I would rehome them. The are young enough to adjust to living elsewhere and I don't think bloodshed should ever be tolerated.
We're having the same issue at our house. We have 6 3-year-old hens that have been together since day 1, but all of a sudden two of them are beating up on the Rhode Island Red. We put her in a dog crate in the garage and are planning on putting her back in the run in the dog crate once her wounds are healed. Though now I am wondering if we should be putting the "mean chickens" in the dog crate instead. Not too sure what to do. She seems perfectly healthy and lively when she's not getting her little butt kicked.

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