Pecking Order attack and top of head won't stop bleeding!


12 Years
Jun 21, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
My oldest hen, Henrietta (9 yrs), who is queen of the coop has started becoming very aggressive to another hen, Luna (barred rock) who is also higher up in the pecking order, but obviously not anywhere near the queen. Luna developed a limp (another issue, another post) and has slowed down immensely. Recently, Henrietta has been viciously attacking her, I'm assuming because she has noticed that Luna is less abled with her limp. Today the 6 girls had been free-ranging for several hours and I was in and out of the house. At one point, I noticed fresh blood drops on the ground outside. I followed them to Luna and then noticed her head was dripping with blood. I washed it with warm water and Dawn but it seems that Henrietta pulled out a good chunk from the top of Luna's head. I put pressure on it for a long time and the bleeding stopped. Then I put Blucote on. I brought Luna inside to keep her away from Henrietta, but she keeps scratching and opening up the wound again. She's also keeping her head turned in one direction. What else can I do and will she be OK????
I can't really get a good shot. It's kind of hard to see. Plus, her head is covered in Bluecote (I have never used that before, so I am also totally covered in purple :(.


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Don't panic, i've had this done before on my hen. Cornstarch is a MUST to stop bleeding, so put some on until it stops, then spray on Vetericyn or poultry wound care, then maybe spread on some antibiotic ointment. Hope that helps!!!
It doesn't look to bad. Just keep monitoring her till she heals up.
Don't use liquid soaps on open wounds, just water is enough to clean the area.
Don't panic, i've had this done before on my hen. Cornstarch is a MUST to stop bleeding, so put some on until it stops, then spray on Vetericyn or poultry wound care, then maybe spread on some antibiotic ointment. Hope that helps!!!
Yes - this is VERY helpful! OK - after reading other posts, it seems that I was working off of some misinformation. I had read awhile ago that Bluecote was what to use in this situation so that is really the only thing I have on hand. I can run out and get some cornstarch now. How do I apply it? Probably need to mix with water, no? I will order vetericyn now. What type of antibiotic ointment? Like Neosporin? And what about all that Bluecote all over her head? Thanks again!!!
Sorry I didn't realize you stopped the bleeding, but still put on the antibiotic ointment and Vetericyn to keep infection out. Also, DONT USE DAWN! That will hurt her worse from my experience
Well, I HAD stopped it but she keeps scratching the wound open again, and possibly creating new cuts? Thanks for the Dawn information. I had heard they use it on ducks to clean them when there are oil spills

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