Pigeon Adventures



7 Years
May 21, 2017
It’s about time I made a general thread about my pigeons!

Neet Neet, male roller pigeon:

Kasper, rescued “release dove” (actually a white homing pigeon):

Wraith another “release dove” rescue (I believe he’s male):

Rubber band, a feral pigeon who I found with a rubber band wrapped around her leg (sadly, she’s going to lose her foot, so can’t be released):

Rubber band’s thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/rubber-band-wrapped-around-leg-of-pigeon.1494608/.

Thought they live outside, I sometimes bring Neet Neet inside, he’s super friendly and enjoys the company of people. My other birds aren’t too tame because I haven’t had them for long.

I don’t free fly my pigeons. Where I live, it’s more dangerous than free ranging chickens, and I’ve lost two pigeons that way. I am going to expand their pen soon, which I’m sure the pigeons will appreciate!
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If anyone has ever wondered why you see pigeons limping and with missing toes, I’ll tell you why- they get hair and string wrapped around their feet! This is a product of them foraging mostly on the ground in cities. They are unable to get the strings off themselves, so, when I’m able, I go out and try to catch pigeons with “stringfoot” to cut the strings off. This is how I found Rubber Band and the “dove release” birds. Sometimes I find ones with injuries, so I catch those and take them to a local wildlife rehabilitation center. (If this ever happens to you, make sure the rehab accepts pigeons, since a lot of them don’t and will just euthanize them.)
Here are a few of the ferals I’ve caught and released (or taken to the rehab) so far:
(These are ones with stringfoot, sometimes I have to bring them home so they can heal a bit before release.)

These two had broken legs, so were taken to the rehab center.
It’s about time I made a general thread about my pigeons!

Neet Neet, male roller pigeon:
View attachment 2889956View attachment 2889955View attachment 2889957View attachment 2889958View attachment 2889959

Casper, rescued “release dove” (actually a white homing pigeon):View attachment 2889963View attachment 2889964View attachment 2889965View attachment 2889966

Wraith another “release dove” rescue (I believe he’s male):View attachment 2889967View attachment 2889968View attachment 2889969

Rubber band, a feral pigeon who I found with a rubber band wrapped around her leg (sadly, she’s going to lose her foot, so can’t be released):View attachment 2889971View attachment 2889972View attachment 2889973View attachment 2889974
Rubber band’s thread: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/rubber-band-wrapped-around-leg-of-pigeon.1494608/.

Thought they live outside, I sometimes bring Neet Neet inside, he’s super friendly and enjoys the company of people. My other birds aren’t too tame because I haven’t had them for long.

I don’t free fly my pigeons. Where I live, it’s more dangerous than free ranging chickens, and I’ve lost two pigeons that way. I am going to expand their pen soon, which I’m sure the pigeons will appreciate!
Wow! You do so much work with the feral pigeons!
Is Casper male or female or do you not know yet? Also, Neet looks so cool chilling in his jacuzzi. Are you going to breed any of them? Which of the two homers is the original?
@Kessel23 check it out
If anyone has ever wondered why you see pigeons limping and with missing toes, I’ll tell you why- they get hair and string wrapped around their feet! This is a product of them foraging mostly on the ground in cities. They are unable to get the strings off themselves, so, when I’m able, I go out and try to catch pigeons with “stringfoot” to cut the strings off. This is how I found Rubber Band and the “dove release” birds. Sometimes I find ones with injuries, so I catch those and take them to a local wildlife rehabilitation center. (If this ever happens to you, make sure the rehab accepts pigeons, since a lot of them don’t and will just euthanize them.)
Here are a few of the ferals I’ve caught and released (or taken to the rehab) so far:View attachment 2890259View attachment 2890260View attachment 2890261View attachment 2890264View attachment 2890265View attachment 2890266(These are ones with stringfoot, sometimes I have to bring them home so they can heal a bit before release.)

View attachment 2890267View attachment 2890268These two had broken legs, so were taken to the rehab center.
That's awesome you are able to save so many. I don't live near any large cities so never really get to see feral pigeons up close. Usually just see them around farm silos sometimes. I'm surprised how many get string caught on their foot.
Wow! You do so much work with the feral pigeons!
Is Casper male or female or do you not know yet? Also, Neet looks so cool chilling in his jacuzzi. Are you going to breed any of them? Which of the two homers is the original?
@Kessel23 check it out
Thanks! I’ve gotten very good at catching pigeons. :lol:
I think Casper is a male, but I really have no idea. I’m unsure about Wraith and RB, too. They all dance and coo at each other.

Since I keep rescuing new ones, I’m not going to breed them, or I’d end up with an obscene number of pigeons. :p Neet would have such cute offspring though.

Casper is the original homer. Honestly I don’t think either of them are bred well since they don’t have homer-looking faces and obviously didn’t return home as they’re supposed to.

I just caught a new pigeon, a lost fantail mix! I hope she’s a female, I did see a feral dance for her. (Since fantails are a domestic breed, she wouldn’t have been able to survive long in the wild.)
I’m excited to get to know her, she’s already tamer than my homers!

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