Please help! Duckling having trouble walking


Aug 25, 2022
Please help! We are new to raising ducks, we've raised chickens for a few years but we don't really know that much about ducks. We bought these ducklings in August and the store said they were about 10 days old then. The farm store said to feed them unmedicated chick feed. Recently one of our little ducklings started having trouble walking - she has legs that kinda are turned funny and I think her joints look bigger - she looks like she has a hard time walking - she falls easily and sit down alot. :( I just can't help but feel like her legs hurt. I did some reading and began to wonder if it was a niacin deficiency so I ordered NOW brand niacin 500 mg and we've been mixing it in their drinking water for about a month but nothing has changed infact she may be worse. I've looked at her feet for bumblefoot but it looks fine. They feel warm but not hot about the same as the other ducks. I do not know what to do and I really want to help her. Please send your thoughts and advice, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Please help! We are new to raising ducks, we've raised chickens for a few years but we don't really know that much about ducks. We bought these ducklings in August and the store said they were about 10 days old then. The farm store said to feed them unmedicated chick feed. Recently one of our little ducklings started having trouble walking - she has legs that kinda are turned funny and I think her joints look bigger - she looks like she has a hard time walking - she falls easily and sit down alot. :( I just can't help but feel like her legs hurt. I did some reading and began to wonder if it was a niacin deficiency so I ordered NOW brand niacin 500 mg and we've been mixing it in their drinking water for about a month but nothing has changed infact she may be worse. I've looked at her feet for bumblefoot but it looks fine. They feel warm but not hot about the same as the other ducks. I do not know what to do and I really want to help her. Please send your thoughts and advice, it would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
If the niacin is "flush-free" or "timed release" then it will NOT help. It goes through their system so fast theres not enough time for them to absorb it. Can you get this (I get from TSC or Amazon) Give them each 1 ml per day over some treats make sure they get it all


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If the niacin is "flush-free" or "timed release" then it will NOT help. It goes through their system so fast theres not enough time for them to absorb it. Can you get this (I get from TSC or Amazon) Give them each 1 ml per day over some treats make sure they get it all
What is a good treat to pair this with?? I have been treating them with Kale, whole kernel corn and zucchini but not sure those would work with the liquid vitamin.
What is a good treat to pair this with?? I have been treating them with Kale, whole kernel corn and zucchini but not sure those would work with the liquid vitamin?
What is a good treat to pair this with?? I have been treating them with Kale, whole kernel corn and zucchini but not sure those would work with the liquid vitamin.
How about some peas or mealworms?
Looks like you've been given good advice. Do you know what type of ducklings they are? Definitely go for that liquid vitamin B complex ASAP and add the brewers or nutritional yeast to their food. I think the liquid vitamin B absorbs well into watermelon, tiny pieces of bread, or over mealworms or slightly frozen peas - but if you feel they can get the full dosage in the treats you're already giving, great. In general, except for getting the meds into them, limit treats at this time and let them caught up on the nutrients they need.
If everyone else seems ok-

I would recommend that you separate the duckling that is having problems, and give her 1ml of the durvet B (it is listed for use in cattle, so don’t be surprised by the label), over the smallest amount of dried soilder fly larvae you can get it to “soak” in to.
One time a day.
You will also need to pick up some small syringes and needles so you can draw up the proper dosage, and then “squirt” it over the “worms”. All should be available at TSC or your local feed store (or Amazon)
I do re use syringes and needles for this unless they touch anything other than the cap on the durvet b- I put it on the worms, pull the needle, pull the plunger up and down a few times to “rinse” in a clean bowl of hot water, squirt the syringe out thru the needle at least twice, leave the needle capped and off the syringe, and the plunger up on the syringe to use the next day.
- it is most safe to use a clean syringe and needle every day. You make the call on that -

Give her the “treat” and put her back w her friends as long as she is getting around on and not being bullied.
Add the nutritional yeast to the feed that you typically use for everyone

Make sure they all have free access to grit. Cut out other treats for now.

It would also be very helpful if you can make sure she is getting swim “PT”
That will really help strengthen her legs. She may need solo swim time if they others are all doing well....she might not be going into the pool w everyone else.

Is she able to stand and walk at least “ok”?
Is she preening, eating, and drinking well?
You got great advice
I just want to add you may not see improvements for 1-2 weeks
Please don’t give up
Keep giving the durvet vitamin B complex and continue for a week after she has fully recovered
The nutritional yeast I do with all my newborns till 10-12 weeks at 1 tbs to1 cup feed after that I sprinkle it on my adults feed a few times a week and in winter more often
Chicken feed doesn’t provide enough niacin for most ducks and some ducks just need more then others even if they are siblings

Keep the B complex in the fridge as it keeps for a long time this way

Also if using chicken feed by 3 weeks I stop with starter and have them on grower / finisher
I made the mistake my first round of ducks and kept on starter till 7-8 weeks and my little khaki Campbell lives with one angel wing ( vets said it was my high protein feed for to long )
Since then I switched and have never had the issue again and raised many ducklings and currently have 19 ducks ages 2.5 years to 9 weeks
He is father / grandpa to well over 70 so it’s not in his genes ( as some angel wing can be )
I also stay with grower even with my adults as I have both male and female
My calcium is crushed oyster shells in a side dish for my girls

Good luck
And keep us posted on her recovery :)

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