Porch flowers with Hens a pecking!

Hang 'em high!

My chickens don't bother my bulb plants: iris, lilies, daffodils, etc. I think they may be toxic to chickens. However, my soft potted plants, petunias, begonias, etc., are fair game. So they are in hanging planters up out of harm's way, with humm'bird feeders in between. . The humm'birds love them and do them no harm. The chickens ... well, they can go eat bugs! 🤣
I keep potted flowers all around my patio/driveway,yard. My chickens never bothered most of my flowers. I also keep the flowers in large pots, or raised. This makes it less accessible from the ground level.
Here is a list of flowers that I grow. Impatiens, Zinnias, Cosmos, Petunias, Geraniums, Marigolds, and others.
I also container grow Dill, Sorrel, and Cucumbers.
The Dill, and Sorrel, get targeted quite readily, I place these barriers to keep it at a minimum. My sorrel get eaten what chickens can reach

Another pix of my flower pot, I place these barriers to also keep out squirrels. They don't eat the plants, but damage the potting soil, by burying their stash of food. Nasturtiums below.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Or you could accept they might eat them. Plant what you want, and cover with light netting to keep invasion to a minimum. Light netting, like deer netting/bird netting shouldn’t be obvious from the street.

you could plant marigolds in the easiest to reach places to try to keep them away from the main plants. If they take the marigold bait, then great bc marigolds will darken their yolks, more of a rich golden orange color.

you could try to add a small/attractive barrier/fence/gate to keep them off the steps during the main flower months.
I keep potted flowers all around my patio/driveway,yard. My chickens never bothered most of my flowers. I also keep the flowers in large pots, or raised. This makes it less accessible from the ground level.
Here is a list of flowers that I grow. Impatiens, Zinnias, Cosmos, Petunias, Geraniums, Marigolds, and others.
I also container grow Dill, Sorrel, and Cucumbers.
The Dill, and Sorrel, get targeted quite readily, I place these barriers to keep it at a minimum. My sorrel get eaten what chickens can reachView attachment 2702963
Another pix of my flower pot, I place these barriers to also keep out squirrels. They don't eat the plants, but damage the potting soil, by burying their stash of food. Nasturtiums below.
View attachment 2702965

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Very nice, Rich!

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