Pullet with an empty crop before bed


Oct 2, 2020

This is a first time occurrence with this particular chicken, so I’m not overtly concerned, but I am curious. My pullets (13 weeks, bantams Serama/cochins) occasionally go bed with empty crops. It varies on who it is, but it just seems odd. They act normal and eat/drink. We’re having some extreme heat this week, so maybe that might be the cause? Idk. I have an adult hen that always goes to bed with almost nothing in her crop, but she’s perfectly healthy. Is it normal for them sometimes to go to sleep empty?

I am pretty sure they don't eat the same amount every day. Maybe it is the temperature, maybe the daylight, maybe if I let them out? I haul feed to my birds daily. Sometimes at night, there is a little left (ideal) sometimes there is a lot left???? and sometimes the bowl is bare.

I adjust my amount of feed I am taking down there accordingly, but the thing is, it is really never the same.

I don't think it is real important for birds to have food 24/7. I am not advocating starving your birds, but feed is a big expense, and uncleaned up food is wasted feed. Feed worked into the ground begins to stink. I think if they get a little hungry, they tend to keep the food cleaned up.

I never worry about birds that are bright eyed, active, eating and laying.

Mrs K

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