Question for those who open range and garden.


12 Years
Feb 5, 2012
Necedah, Wi
So for those of you who truly open range, and the chickens freely wander with no bounderies. What kind of fencing do you use to protect your garden? Is there anything besides fence that can be used to deter the chickens from eating the garden?

My chicks and ducks open range from 7am to dusk and have free reign of my 2 acres plus the property next to us. We do not have a fence except the the chicken pen used for the chicks to teach them where the coop is. I am finally tilling a large garden and have some seeds started. I do have some chicken fence left but not enough to surround the garden so I was thinking deer fence maybe? I would love to find the best method for the lowest cost.
I chicken wired my garden and also used deer netting further up. I have a lot of hens who are excellent fliers and still can get over the fence if they really want to. They get in there every once in a while and I squirt them with the hose if I see them do it. They are getting much better about staying out of there now. They ate up my onions but not much else. I interplanted alot of things with Genovese basil which they seem to dislike and it is working so far. The onions are growing back in some places where they are between the basil plants.
Without a fence, we would have no garden, that is for sure. I am new to chickens and had no idea how destructive they could truly be. What they didn't eat to a nub, they dug up in search of grubs. A fence had high priority in the farm budget!

I used 2" wide, 36" tall galvanized chicken wire and T posts. The 2" wire is less expensive and imo easier to work with than the 1". I have heavy breeds and they haven't tried to fly over into the garden, but you may want to go with the 48" if you're concerned. They free range now, but after reading this article by Permaculturist Paul Wheaton , I am also considering the "pastured poultry paddock" system in the future.

Good luck to you and your garden!

Also, flgardengirl... I had no idea that Genovese Basil could help deter the chickens. I recently planted some in the garden but have another flat of seedlings to be planted. I may use it to try and save some of my flower gardens. Thanks for the tip!
Thanks for the help. Looks like Deer fence will be the way to go since its only $20 for 110' .

I have some boxwood basil started I wonder if that will help too.
Thanks for the help. Looks like Deer fence will be the way to go since its only $20 for 110' .

I have some boxwood basil started I wonder if that will help too.

Actually, be aware of differing gauges or weights that deer fencing comes in. The heavier gauge product is around $60 for 100'. We find it much easier to work with, less likely to tangle and tear. The lighter weight stuff is a pain for use as fencing off a larger area, but has it's uses elsewhere around the property

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Actually, be aware of differing gauges or weights that deer fencing comes in. The heavier gauge product is around $60 for 100'. We find it much easier to work with, less likely to tangle and tear. The lighter weight stuff is a pain for use as fencing off a larger area, but has it's uses elsewhere around the property


Thank you I didnt know that. Go figure. lol
I used plastic that is used to cover fruit trees to keep the birds from eating the fruit.
I anchored them with bambo sticks. I got all from Home Depot and it was very inexpensive.
I noticed, when the plants are close together and have plenty of mulch they go to other places in the garden I have set aside
for them.
I had a great butterfly garden before my 2 chickens..
Now I am hoping to have both eggs and butterflies.

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