rid of chicken poop after cleaning coop


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 9, 2014
Alto, Michigan
I am going to clean the chicken coop today or tomorrow and would like to know the best way to dispose of the straw and chicken crap.

without composting it.

Burn it? trash it?

the coop just smells.

and 1. 2. 3. GO...

thank you

Welcome to BYC!

Coop cleaning day! Depends on where you live as to how you can dispose of it. If you are in an urban environment, you might start a compost pile for your garden or even haul it off to an area you can dump it safely and legally. I wouldn't recommend burning it unless you have a lot of acreage between you and your neighbors. You might talk to your neighbors to see if anyone nearby does have a compost pile or wants it for their garden area.

Good luck with the coop cleaning and welcome to our flock!
I live in the country with quite a few acres between me and neighbors. All farm fields.
This is just my first time with chickens
If you have a "rough" area on your land that you mow occasionally, you could spread it out thinly there and then mow over it to sort of spread it out.
Start a compost bin.
Bag it and take it to a landfill.
Ask around to see if anyone wants it for their compost pile.

For those who have burned it, is the resulting ash suitable to go on the garden?
Have you considered using sweet PDZ in a tray of sorts under your roost area? It works great, and the coop smells nice. Plus you can just use a large cat poop scooper to clean it...works wonderfully!

The term "stall dry" in this pic is just another term for sweet PDZ. It's mainly used for horses, but is suitable for chickens, too. Love that stuff!

Just an idea for you!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! You've gotten some good ideas above, the best way to get rid of it will also depend on how much you have...
Do you have any place you could spread it? With a bale of straw (even a big one) I would consider doing what petrel suggested, spread it out and lawnmower it a few times, should work if it is dry... if you let your chickens free range in the area, they would probably do a nice job of spreading it out for you.
You do know you have compost gold there...right?
If you have the acreage, outline a place and dump it with some yard waste, kitchen scraps, and all that jazz.
Goos stuff...

Here's where I put our coop poop:

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