Rooster with broken wing, please help


6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Joshua, Texas
Hi, everyone. I think my beloved rooster Colonel Mustard has a broken wing. Not sure how it happened, but it was just hanging down by his side so I scoured the net and BYC, and all pictures I found look the same. I went to my local feed store and got some vet tape, and my boyfriend wrapped it in the figure 8. My question now is, he's kind of hopping around now, and not walking exactly normally. Did we wrap it too tight? We did our best not to, but I'm worried we did something wrong and now he's going to be worse off than before, or possibly do some damage to his good side? I'm a new chicken owner, and so scared right now. :( Thanks for any help or advice you can give!
I don't want to scare you, and it may not be what is wrong with your rooster, but Mareks disease can cause a droopy wing as well as problems walking--stumbling, paralysis in a leg, curled toes. It's a strange disease with differing symptoms in different birds. Reading a little information about it may help you rule it out, and of course if he is vaccinated the chances would be less. Here is a link to read:'s+disease
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If you are worried you wrapped him too tight I would just catch him and unwrap it and then check and rewrap him again. I cut a butter dish plasic to conform with like the wing and wrap tape around it for padding and it makes awesome splint on broken bones. If the wing is broken you will feel it going in the wrong direction or crunching when moved. If it is infection the wing will be all together and just droopy. The bird might be wheezing or have drainage from the nose and eyes if he is sick. You can feel him and he will be hot to touch running a temperature. I am huge fan of giving everyone a big shot when I am worried about them sick. I give them always first med of choice is tylan 50 mixed with penicillin. The shot is 1cc of tyaln 50 mixed with 2 cc of penicillin. I give a chicken 1 cc of that under the skin on the breast. You mix them because Tylan can be destructive to tissue but is wonderful antibiotic. You can give Tylan 50 orally too but has to be daily. A big chicken gets 1cc and a bantam gets 1/2cc orally. I then will put it in the water at rate of 3cc per 1 gallon of water.
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If you are worried you wrapped him too tight I would just catch him and unwrap it and then check and rewrap him again. I cut a butter dish plasic to conform with like the wing and wrap tape around it for padding and it makes awesome splint on broken bones. If the wing is broken you will feel it going in the wrong direction or crunching when moved. If it is infection the wing will be all together and just droopy. The bird might be wheezing or have drainage from the nose and eyes if he is sick. You can feel him and he will be hot to touch running a temperature. I am huge fan of giving everyone a big shot when I am worried about them sick. I give them always first med of choice is tylan 50 mixed with penicillin. The shot is 1cc of tyaln 50 mixed with 2 cc of penicillin. I give a chicken 1 cc of that under the skin on the breast. You mix them because Tylan can be destructive to tissue but is wonderful antibiotic. You can give Tylan 50 orally too but has to be daily. A big chicken gets 1cc and a bantam gets 1/2cc orally. I then will put it in the water at rate of 3cc per 1 gallon of water.
Windowbird never mentioned anything about any respiratory disease symptoms. I dont recommend giving antibiotics to chickens indiscriminately, especially when they arnt needed as in this instance.
Hi, everyone. I think my beloved rooster Colonel Mustard has a broken wing. Not sure how it happened, but it was just hanging down by his side so I scoured the net and BYC, and all pictures I found look the same. I went to my local feed store and got some vet tape, and my boyfriend wrapped it in the figure 8. My question now is, he's kind of hopping around now, and not walking exactly normally. Did we wrap it too tight? We did our best not to, but I'm worried we did something wrong and now he's going to be worse off than before, or possibly do some damage to his good side? I'm a new chicken owner, and so scared right now.
Thanks for any help or advice you can give!
Is vet wrap around his good wing? Should be underneath good wing so he can move it. If wrapping is causing him severe discomfort,remove it.His injured wing should be placed close to his body,in a natural position. Then wrap around him to immobilize the wing(but not so tight as to cut off circulation),but make sure he can still move non-injured wing. Worst case scenario is that his wing will permanently droop,this is ok.

First rule,DO NOT PANIC,EVER. In keeping chickens you will find out real fast that there can be any number of issues at any given time,stay calm,always.

Make sure he is eating/drinking.
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If you are worried you wrapped him too tight I would just catch him and unwrap it and then check and rewrap him again.  I cut a butter dish plasic to conform with like the wing and wrap tape around it for padding and it makes awesome splint on broken bones.  If the wing is broken you will feel it going in the wrong direction or crunching when moved.  If it is infection the wing will be all together and just droopy.  The bird might be wheezing or have drainage from the nose and eyes if he is sick.  You can feel him and he will be hot to touch running a temperature.  I am huge fan of giving everyone a big shot when I am worried about them sick.  I give them always first med of choice is tylan 50 mixed with penicillin. The shot is 1cc of tyaln 50 mixed with 2 cc of penicillin.   I give a chicken 1 cc of that under the skin on the breast.  You mix them because Tylan can be destructive to tissue but is wonderful antibiotic.    You can give Tylan 50 orally too but has to be daily.  A big chicken gets 1cc and a bantam gets 1/2cc orally.  I then will put it in the water at rate of 3cc per 1 gallon of water.
They have not stated that there were any wheezing or nasal drainage, so antibiotics are not indicated. Also, it should never be recommended to mix 2different antibiotics together in a syringe to be given to a chicken. Your penicillin dosage is way too much also.
They have not stated that there were any wheezing or nasal drainage, so antibiotics are not indicated. Also, it should never be recommended to mix 2different antibiotics together in a syringe to be given to a chicken. Your penicillin dosage is way too much also.
They have not stated that there were any wheezing or nasal drainage, so antibiotics are not indicated. Also, it should never be recommended to mix 2different antibiotics together in a syringe to be given to a chicken. Your penicillin dosage is way too much also.
X2. The correct penicillin dosage is .25 ccs for small chickens/bantams, and .5 ccs for large birds around 5 pounds.
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If you are worried you wrapped him too tight I would just catch him and unwrap it and then check and rewrap him again. I cut a butter dish plasic to conform with like the wing and wrap tape around it for padding and it makes awesome splint on broken bones. If the wing is broken you will feel it going in the wrong direction or crunching when moved. If it is infection the wing will be all together and just droopy. The bird might be wheezing or have drainage from the nose and eyes if he is sick. You can feel him and he will be hot to touch running a temperature. I am huge fan of giving everyone a big shot when I am worried about them sick. I give them always first med of choice is tylan 50 mixed with penicillin. The shot is 1cc of tyaln 50 mixed with 2 cc of penicillin. I give a chicken 1 cc of that under the skin on the breast. You mix them because Tylan can be destructive to tissue but is wonderful antibiotic. You can give Tylan 50 orally too but has to be daily. A big chicken gets 1cc and a bantam gets 1/2cc orally. I then will put it in the water at rate of 3cc per 1 gallon of water.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but where is it documented that one should mix Tylan with penicillin and that doing so will help with injection site reactions?

I give it to you for reading up on things. I think you really should go to Vet School at much as you read and do. You are missing your calling. I have given them together with no problem for years and have had nothing but good responses with it. I will continue to do so because the birds get well and live a long life. They dont' seem to give anyone else infection so the goal is met. I don't lose too many that get sick but I do not bring any new birds in that are grown and I try to hatch most of my own birds and find that I get alot less infections in my flock by doing that. If I get any chicks I make sure that house is isolated with a bottle of hand sanitzer at the door that I put on my hands after I am in there so I don't spread anything to everyone else. I have been known to make a weak bleach spray 1/4 strength and spray the bottoms of my shoes too.

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