Rouen duckling can't walk. Help please!!


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2015
Hello All,
Have gotten some great info among these threads so figured I would join. I have a Rouen duckling who is now 9 days old. I took it in at 3 days old to try and work with it. It can't walk, scoots on its side, and spends most of its time on its back kicking it's legs. Eating and drinking, super energetic, alert. We hand feed it, supplemented with sav a chick, niacin, made it a hobble, I have it standing in a large cup multiple times a day. Finally got it to lay on its belly, and it also swims pretty well. It's smaller than its siblings, but just as spunky. Chirps and looks for me when I leave the room. I have it swimming twice a day, and also massage it's neck, help it to stand, and hold it in proper position to eat. Baby loves Peas. Any advice would help, I have been completely devoted to this little munchkin, and don't want anything to hold it back. My fiancé is picking up some "nutri drench" right now. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Thank you all!
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Bless your heart for doing so much to help the duckling. I'm going to tag some members (see list below) that I know will have more ideas for what might get the baby on his/her feet. Good luck!

@Miss Lydia
Thanks so much for taking such good care of this baby duck. He reminds me so much of my little Turbo when you have him standing up like that and holding him. You might want to read my thread in the duck section about what all I tried for Turbo. It's called baby duck with lots of problems. Your duck doesn't have the crested head which I think was alot of Turbos problems along with his mom possibly stepping on his head after he hatched.

Please keep us updated on how he is doing. I hope he pulls through this and god bless you both.

Thank you for responding!
@pattyhen I read your whole thread last night on a Turbo, I was crying. I am SO attached to this little one. I don't need him to be perfect, just able! He just can't right himself. He has

never had any issues eating, doesn't lose appetite, spunky, energetic, and so loving. No fear, and he's happy. I just wanna see him
thrive! I'm doing cup standing multiple times a day, water therapy at least twice a day, and I've noticed he can swim longer now. He LOVES peas, and hanging out with my dogs. We called a bet that does avian so we have an appointment Friday morning. The specialist is on vacation until Wednesday and I don't wanna wait that long. They said we could drop him off but I feel like he's getting most of what he needs with us, I can't afford to pay for boarding either. If he has a chance of pulling through we will do whatever is needed. Any other suggestions I am open too! Any help is appreciated, and it is nice to talk to people who are supportive and don't think I'm crazy! Thank for taking the time
Thank you for responding!
@pattyhen I read your whole thread last night on a Turbo, I was crying. I am SO attached to this little one. I don't need him to be perfect, just able! He just can't right himself. He has

never had any issues eating, doesn't lose appetite, spunky, energetic, and so loving. No fear, and he's happy. I just wanna see him
thrive! I'm doing cup standing multiple times a day, water therapy at least twice a day, and I've noticed he can swim longer now. He LOVES peas, and hanging out with my dogs. We called a bet that does avian so we have an appointment Friday morning. The specialist is on vacation until Wednesday and I don't wanna wait that long. They said we could drop him off but I feel like he's getting most of what he needs with us, I can't afford to pay for boarding either. If he has a chance of pulling through we will do whatever is needed. Any other suggestions I am open too! Any help is appreciated, and it is nice to talk to people who are supportive and don't think I'm crazy! Thank for taking the time
I dont think your crazy at all I wish there was something I could tell you to do that would help him. The only other thing I could think of giving him is cortizone. I was afraid to give Turbo any because I was afraid I would over dose him. I'm so happy you are taking him to the vet. They may prescribe the cortizone for him at least you will know the dosage.

I'm still not able to read the thread from the beginning of turbo. I know I would be in tears too. I had so much support and help from the people on byc. They felt like my lifeline. Bless his little heart he was a trooper and I love and miss him so much.

Please keep us updated on his progress. He is so lucky he has you to take such good care of him.


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