Sand as brooder base


Dec 30, 2018
North Florida
I've used playsand in the brooder for past years clutches but always gave them a few days on paper towels first. Is this really necessary, or can I just start them off on sand from day 1?

I do remember stressing the first year I used sand beacuse they started eating it when first placed in there, but the behavior soon stopped and didn't cause any issues that I'm aware of.

Poults arrive later this week :)
I've used playsand in the brooder for past years clutches but always gave them a few days on paper towels first. Is this really necessary, or can I just start them off on sand from day 1?

I do remember stressing the first year I used sand beacuse they started eating it when first placed in there, but the behavior soon stopped and didn't cause any issues that I'm aware of.

Poults arrive later this week :)
I live on a sand dune. I use sand in the brooder from day one. I have not had any issues from using sand.

The recommendation that I see from people who buy their sand is to not use play sand due to how fine it is. Their recommendation is to use construction sand.
Its weird, when I've asked for masonry sand at my local hardware store, they point to the playsand and tell me its the same thing.
Being right near the gulf coast of Florida, this is probably just a regional thing. I could drive 20 minutes to the coast for free sand, but it would be just as fine, and I'd rather drive 5 minutes and spend a few bucks instead.
I think that is due to there being a couple types of play sand. One is like construction sand, the other looks more like pool filter sand. Since the bags are clear it’s easy to see which one you are getting.
I always buy the one like construction sand. I use it in my fish tanks because it looks nice and natural with many size rocks opposed to the finer play sand that is all uniform looking. If that makes sense.
I've used playsand in the brooder for past years clutches but always gave them a few days on paper towels first. Is this really necessary, or can I just start them off on sand from day 1?

I do remember stressing the first year I used sand beacuse they started eating it when first placed in there, but the behavior soon stopped and didn't cause any issues that I'm aware of.

Poults arrive later this week :)
DO NOT USE SAND!!! Hazard: Chickens can die from it. Espically because chickens eat dirt in the wild if they digest sand it can kill them.
DO NOT USE SAND!!! Hazard: Chickens can die from it. Espically because chickens eat dirt in the wild if they digest sand it can kill them.
Lare grain sand is fine. Its the fine sand that is more warned about, and these aren't chickens.

Plus if that was the case, I would not have birds living where I do. Our 'dirt' is sand and they don't go stuffing themselves.
DO NOT USE SAND!!! Hazard: Chickens can die from it. Especially because chickens eat dirt in the wild if they digest sand it can kill them.
I live on a sand dune, I use sand in my brooder. None of my poultry die because of being on sand. Everywhere my poultry go, they are on sand.

Your claims are not true.

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