Second burglary and almost all my birds dead!!!


Oct 5, 2016
Roma Texas
So this morning we headed for breakfast me and my family and then headed to church, before we left I went ahead and opened the coop for the birds to free range. While arriving to church I received a call from my neighbor telling me that he had been trying to contact me more than an hr ago (had left my cell in truck during breakfast)to tell me that a suspicious dark truck had entered our street( we live in a dead end street). I had told my neighbor ( who lives 6 blocks away) about our house being burglarized a cpl weeks ago and for him to give me a call if he saw anything suspicious entering our street. I headed back home about 30 min drive and once again found front gate open and all my birds dead 34 out of 46 the only that survived were my DC Male and his girls who I put in a tractor yesterday and a cpl of the ones my dad gave me a cpl days ago. My neighbor said that the truck had stopped in front of our house and that when they saw him get on his truck and headed their way they all got into the truck and sped out by his truck as he was approaching. He said he saw at least 3 young teens as they sped out, tried to get plates but appeared to be paper plates.Sheriffs got all info and are going to "investigate". They didn't break into our house but lost at least at least 3/4 of my birds including then remaining meat birds I had from last dog raid.


So sorry. Hopefully the cops have enough information to go by. Had to of had a few dogs in the truck. I would throw a few birds in the freezer as evidence.
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So sorry. Hopefully the cops have enough information to go by. Had to of had a few dogs in the truck. I would throw a few birds in the freezer as evidence.

This happened to me about 3 weeks ago. Back then we did get burglarized and stray dogs raided my coop and killed a great part of my meat birds cuz the main gate was left open. All of this happened while we were out of town for the weekend.
The 2 are most likely related. The chick massacres (dogs) will tie them together. It also sounds like these individuals know your comings and goings. You were only gone minutes this morning before you were hit.
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I agree with the above poster. It seems the incidents are related, and that they seem to have an idea of your schedule. I would padlock the gate and set up security and/or game cameras.
This just makes my blood boil. I can only imagine what you are feeling right now. Outrage, grief, disbelief and yes, fear. If I were in your place, I would be calling the district attorney's office tomorrow and tell them what has happened. Tell them at this point you are fearful for not only the safety of your property and animals but the safety of yourself and your family also. I would ask them to set up surveillance either officers or cameras on your property to catch the perpetrators because once caught you intend to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. They have hit twice, they will be back.

You are paying for these services through your taxes. Time to make good on your investment. Whatever you decide to do, please be safe and good luck catching these scum bags.
Thinking off the top of my head that a news story might be a good deterrent as well, but I could be completely wrong about that. Purely a suggestion. So many chickens, just crying here....Local humane society etc. Just thoughts...don't mind me....Local animal control should be involved, etc etc. Oh dear Lord.

Then ya know cause of what I used to do for a living, I am quite aware that people hurting animals like this can be quite dangerous... so they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is a very bad sign.

Please keep us updated if you can. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.
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