Set Eggs Yesterday Morning for the BIG Hatch...Total count is....


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
48 (or 47, if you don't count the Mystery Dumpster Chick that is due to hatch on April 9-hubby rescued it from the school agriculture class trash can among the shipping materials from McMurray, for those who don't know).

So, this is what I have in my bator:

16 Speckled Sussex
12 Blue Orpingtons
6 Blue and Black Ameraucanas
8 Barred Rocks
5 Delaware

Nothing like hatching everything you want all at once, huh? Since only 42 will fit in the auto turner in the Hova, the overflow is in the new homemade Mega-Bator with the Mystery Chick. An eventful, hectic and fun spring is on tap for us here!
my goodness you're gonna have your hands full!
Hope they all hatch for you.
Let us know how it goes
I just started 36 eggs, 6 Americaunas, 6 white leghorns, 12 rhode island red, and 12 barred rocks. I started incubating them on the 2nd. I had a little problem with the larger eggs falling off the turner until today. I purchased a different type of turner that holds the eggs a little more securely. The problem is that I lost temperature for about an hour making the transition. Is this going to be a problem, or am I just paranoid?

No, that shouldn't be a problem. Remember, a hen gets off a nest for maybe 20 minutes every day and the eggs do cool some then.

I candled my eggs today. No way to see in the Ameraucana eggs so I gave up after just one on those. They'll have to wait another week. Of the 47, not counting the Mystery Egg that is due to hatch this Monday, I still have 42 that seem to be developing just fine. Three of the Blue Orpingtons were too splotchy and/or dark or porous to really see anything so I left them in a few more days to re-check, but the nine I could see into seemed to be developing well.

Hubby wanted to candle the Mystery Egg. Today is Day 17 and I've never done it at this stage. It was wonderful! Beautiful development and when I cheeped at the egg, she danced all over the place! Now, I can't wait to see what breed she is, although I suspect Salmon Faverolle.
Hi Cynthia,
You quoted:
Today is Day 17 and I've never done it at this stage. It was wonderful! Beautiful development and when I cheeped at the egg, she danced all over the place!

I have several Silkie eggs and OEGB eggs in the bator. Today is the end of day 19 and I have not noticed any movement at all. I tried this "chirping thing" that I read several other board members do. No movement or peeping sounds.

I candled at day 15 and all candled fine (w/exception of two w/side air cells). Can you tell me possibly why my chicks aren't rocking or cheeping?​
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Honestly, I have no idea. It's a new experience for me, too. This is the most active chick I've ever incubated! I have never candled one past about Day 15 before and I got very little movement then. This particular chick must be a strong little one, is all I know. Plus this is the lightest color shell on an egg I've ever incubated so I have been able to see better during my candling. There is little room in the egg by this stage so I was amazed at how much she was bopping around in there myself.
My worst thought would be that through something I did accidently, that all the chicks would die near hatch time:(.

It's nice to hear that you have such a great experience with this particular egg. I guess it would be kind of like being pregnant and having that reassurance of the baby's lively kicking near delivery.

Sigh...hoping for at least one of my eggs to wiggle a little...
I have several Silkie eggs and OEGB eggs in the bator. Today is the end of day 19 and I have not noticed any movement at all. I tried this "chirping thing" that I read several other board members do. No movement or peeping sounds

Don't worry too much about it. My second batch didn't rock or wiggle and they were silkies and EEs they hatched 1/2 a day early. They were popping out like popcorn overnight!​
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Well, today is Day 18. Maybe she'll pop out a day early and introduce herself so I won't have to wait till Monday! At least if it's a Salmon Faverolle, as I suspect, I'll know within a week or two whether it's a pullet or cockerel.
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