Set up a new perch or no?


In the Brooder
May 31, 2023
Hi all! I am a chicken newbie and could use some advice from those with more experience.

I have five 6 month old buff Orpington hens that have been together since they were a week old. I didn't see much aggressive pecking order behavior until about a month or two ago when they really started going at each other. It's calmed down a little bit, but they seem to still be figuring out/asserting their order. Sometimes, the lowest chicken, Honey, seems to get pecked or chased away by the others for no reason that is obvious to me.

I have a cam in their coop and over the past month there are several times that I've seen Honey getting pecked by the others at night as they settle in. The hens switch their spots each night and it's hard to tell which spots are the most desired. Sometimes she goes to the end by the wall, a spot that is usually empty and sleeps there fine. One time I saw her getting pecked until she got in the middle of the flock and the hen pecking her could be on the other side of her (but not close to the wall where Honey was). Tonight Honey got pecked until she hopped off the perch and the chicken pecking her could have the spot by the wall. (This spot is usually unoccupied unless Honey is there, and the hen who took her spot has never slept there before.) Their behavior confuses me and I would like to reduce the amount of pecking that Honey has to endure. She is not the only one getting pecked, but she is definitely more skittish than the rest, and spends more time on her own. Thankfully none of them have been seriously injured.

I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to add another perch in the coop so that Honey has more options of where to sleep or not. I'm not sure if this would cause more problems with the others (if she ends up sleeping alone all the time) or if it would calm some of the nighttime aggression? Is sleeping together a bonding thing that is worth a few pecks or does it not matter?

Your thoughts are appreciated! Thank you
if it would calm some of the nighttime aggression?
More roost space is always good.
How long is the roost?
Pics of coop showing roost would help here.

But know that the RoostTimeRumble will most always be the most contentious time of the day. Chicken are going to peck one another, it's part of their world.
I have 12 chickens and 26 ft of roost space in their coop and 7 of them insist on fighting over 3 ft of roost space, every single night. :barnie So we just let it be.
Never hurts to give them extra roost options, but at the same time, don't be surprised if she still chooses to roost with the others. Even being the bottom of the pecking order means she still belongs in the flock.
I think it would be great if she chooses to roost with them. I like how you put that "she belongs to the flock". Thank you.
More roost space is always good.
How long is the roost?
Pics of coop showing roost would help here.

But know that the RoostTimeRumble will most always be the most contentious time of the day. Chicken are going to peck one another, it's part of their world.
I'll take some pics and post them. Thank you for letting me know that this is normal and normal at that time of night. My human heart breaks for little Honey, but maybe its ok in her world.
I'll take some pics and post them. Thank you for letting me know that this is normal and normal at that time of night. My human heart breaks for little Honey, but maybe its ok in her world.
I'll take some pics and post them. Thank you for letting me know that this is normal and normal at that time of night. My human heart breaks for little Honey, but maybe its ok in her world.
The perch is 54" long. I'm attaching a pic of the coop with the original perch and a pic with the additional one we installed today. Also a pic of them at night, although you can't see the full length of the perch where you could easily fit 1-2 more chickens.


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Hello I’m having the same problem with one of my hens during night time. I was wondering if you ended up adding a perch, if so did it help? Or If you didn’t, has the pecking decreased? One of my hens gets pecked on a lot during night time but she doesn’t peck anyone back and just continues to move her spot. Also sorry for the very late reply I know you posted this months ago lol.

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