Sexing 3 week old EEs


Apr 5, 2024
Hello! I'm new here but have seen a lot of helpful posts. I'm a first-time chick owner, and recently got a couple chicks from my local feed store. These two were sold as "Ameraucanas" but I'm assuming they are actually Easter Eggers? They are 2-3 weeks old right now, and I have suspicions that the darker one is a cockerel. He/she is bigger than the other chicks I got at the time, has pretty thick legs, and the comb seems to be developing thicker/bumpier than the white one. I know it's still too early to fully tell, but does anyone have any insight? I've included pics of both birds' combs, plus a pic of the chick in question from the side view (next to my Rhode Island Red). Thanks in advance!


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My Easter Egger females have combs starting just like that. Same colors but slightly darker. It's still a bit early to tell in my opinion. My females are developing just like that. Same size as well. Perhaps in another week it will be clearer and better able to see her/him. Most of my females started developing a comb at 2 weeks. I have barred rocks, Easter Eggers, and Buff Orpingtons. All had combs by 2weeks. Hope this helps. Best wishes
I would say they are pullets, what store did you get from?
They are from Ace Hardware (not sure what Hatchery they order from, but they had a ton of different breeds). The chicks are almost 5 weeks old now. I can post updated pics tomorrow. The dark one’s comb hasn’t developed any more and the other chicks have caught up to it in size so I’m feeling more confident it is a girl. I’m really hoping it is because she/he is feathering out beautifully.
Here’s a new pic now that chicks are 5 weeks old. (Snuggling up with my black Australorp). The darker EE’s comb hasn’t developed any further, and the coloring is pretty even, so I’m leaning towards pullet now. Thoughts?


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I also have a 5 week old lavender Ameraucana. Are we thinking this is a little cockerel?


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