Silkie confusion


In the Brooder
Sep 27, 2023
In my recent batch of chicks I decided to get a wider variety and got two silkie chickens. I've never had silkies before but I find them ridiculously adorable. The shop said they were gendered so the chances of me getting a rooster was low. Not impossible of course, I'm no fool. But, I figured the chances of me getting a male out of the two I picked were very slim. Well, I was stupid. They're finally of age and I've been hearing the tiniest little crow. Of my chicks I was pretty sure that I hadn't gotten any more roosters, as my silkies grew I noticed the difference right away. One white and one black silkie, and both named very feminine names because they were supposed to be girls. The white one, Phoebe, is twice the size of the black one, sosha. Acts like a rooster through and through. Sosha however, is very tiny. She is very small and sweet. Both take no shit but it's funnier when sosha squares up to the biggest hens in the house and wins. Regardless, we believed Phoebe to be a boy. I was still going to keep him if he got along with my adult rooster. But I was up at the wee crack of dawn for the fist time in a long while and I was with my flock when the annual crowing started. And imagine my surprise when sosha starts crowing better then Phoebe! She is loud, proud, and still the size of a peanut compared to Phoebe who crowed maybe once in this endeavor and it sounded like a proper crowing of a bird who hasn't crowed much yet, his voice still cracks. Sosha not only crowed better then Phoebe,but three times more then him! She was following my adult rooster by the crow! So now I'm wondering if I have two males and ones a runt. Which honestly, that would be my luck. But I've grown really attached to these two cotton balls on legs and I need to know if I have two roosters or not because I can't have that many again, I live in a residential area and one rooster is already toeing the line. One silkie rooster would have been fine, I've heard they're more quiet and don't crow as much which has been Phoebe's saving grace. But two silkie roosters and a very loud adult rooster? That's to much.
Post some pictures. Females can crow, but it usually happens way later in life, not while they are adolescent

Sorry it took me so long, I've been busy. White one is pheobe and sosha is black. They both crow and have blue ears(someone on Google said that you could tell by their ears but I'm not sure how true that is) and it rained today so they're slightly wet but I didn't think that'd be much of a problem. My rooster doesn't seem to like either one of them and I'm not sure if it's because they're males or if they just look dumb and he doesn't like it.

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