

12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
I'm at the end of day 18 and have just stopped turning. I just put in sponges to raise the humidity level up to around seventy. However, my eggs are wobbling and rolling so much that a couple eggs are in danger of coming in contact with the damp sponges... even though I put them in the corners as far from the eggs as possible.

It seems to me that if the eggs do roll up against the sponges it will act like a wick to the egg, giving it too much moisture, but I don't know for sure. I don't want my peeps drowning!
Has anyone else had this happen? Is it something I should be worried about? I don't want to keep opening the 'bator to roll them away, either. It seems like that would cool things down and let the humidity out just when they need it the most, so I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions?
Llysse, I had that same problem and just let it go, but here's a thought. If you have one of those little black plastic cases that camera film comes in or even one of the plastic cups from a pudding cup, you could put a piece of sponge in one of those and put the water in there. The wet sponge would still be in the bator, but not be able to contact the eggs. Maybe it's too late to do it with this hatch, but if you think you need to, I think that's what I would do, just really quickly!
Thanks, Speckled Hen. My sponges are too large for the film canisters, but you gave me an idea, anyway. I was able to slip cut plastic lids between the sponges and offending eggs enough so that I think it won't be a problem. I never would have thought of it.

Naturally, now, the eggs don't seem to be nearly as active. <sigh>

This is going to be a LONG two days.

We had some of those snack pudding cups and I just cut my sponge and stuck it upright in on and poured water in the cup. The sponge acts like a wick and worked beautifully to raise my humidity, plus the chicks and eggs can't come in contact with the sponge.

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