Staggering lady

Liz Schwartz

In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2024
Hello! 2 lovely ladies came with our house in VT. We bought in Dec and no eggs. Not sure of chickens ages but we set up a lamp and voila. Rack lady lays an eggs day. So fun.
Today I noticed one of them seems to stagger backwards occasionally and seemed to have trouble getting up into her box to lay…
Did I interrupt her laying and that make her walk funny? Is she sick? Help! Marek’s??
The internet is a scary place!
Hiya, Liz, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

If they're getting layer feed or all flock, they're probably getting the nutrition they need but perhaps a boost of some vitamin water would help. A lot of us use Nutra Drench or Poultry Cell and put a little in their water. Can't hurt!

Feel free to share pictures of your ladies if you want! We'd love to see!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Some birds have trouble absorbing certain nutrients, sometimes genetic, other times its just the way they are designed. As the others have mentioned about, I highly recommend a good poultry supplement. Poultry Cell is potent, quick to act and my go to when birds seem weak or sick. You can get it here... Booster&utm_campaign=20908059018&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0bWvBhBjEiwAtEsoWxM1r2BszK9rVSNKxTJ-LSFpsHHv0nk8Xk3pa4tb7k9OQp1KGN3jyxoC1R8QAvD_BwE Its best given orally, under the tongue. Hits the blood stream fast. Keep us posted on her!

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