Stumbling 5 week old very stunted chick, 1/4 the size of hatch mates. Eating drinking and pooping well.


In the Brooder
Aug 8, 2023
Hello, one of my 5 week old barnavelder chicks is hanging in there but not thriving and is 1/4 of the size of his hatch mates. I would appreciate your help so much as I’ve really grown attached to the little one!

1) 5 week old, Very light in weight and only wing feathers. Reluctante to stay standing

2) weak legs and very stunted growth, runs/stumbles across brooder while flapping wings when it has to then lays down again. Sticks to the edge of brooder. had a very slight rattle when breathing last week on a hot day but it seems to have gone away.

3) Since the day we got him we could tell he was a bit off and weak.

4) Other 4 birds are thriving and huge.

5) no injury’s I can see but he does have a slightly wider stance than the others and sits on his hocks. straddle leg possibly? Tried treating with hobble for 5 days the second day I got him but he stopped moving all together and got weaker so I removed it and he improved.

7) Being fed medicated chick feed mostly with some scrambled eggs daily. He gets fed multiple times a day on his own now to make sure he gets plenty. Plain yogurt and feed mash for probiotic and occasionally I tried electrolytes and Gemme-zone in the water to help.

8) poop looks normal to me. Maybe a bit more cecal poops than the others?

10 ) intent as far as treatment? I live in Canada and my vet quoted $400 to do a fecal test and mandatory exam… so I would like to try everything I can myself before involving a vet. But would go if medication is suspected to help. I totally fallen in love with it so vet is not out of the question.

12) they have a large wooden brooder box with shavings on the ground and paper towel in areas to make it easier for him to walk. Heat lamp with plenty of room to get away from the heat.

I will take any and all advice but my questions is, should I keep him separated at all times now, and should I be treating for parasites or worms at 8 weeks? I’ve fallen in love with him now but is there hope for the little one or is it kinder to cull….

Last photo is him at two weeks old. He hasn’t changed much in size.. I don’t know how to add the video of him walking but can send it to anyone who’s interested…

Thank you all so so much!!!!


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Unfortunately, it looks like your chick has failure to thrive, a nutritional absorption issue. There's not much you can do, usually chicks that survive and catch up aren't this small still. I'm sorry
Unfortunately, it looks like your chick has failure to thrive, a nutritional absorption issue. There's not much you can do, usually chicks that survive and catch up aren't this small still. I'm sorry
Thank you, that’s sadly what I figured. Poor little thing. He’s still so feisty I had a little hope but I think you’re right.. 😩 of course he’s my favorite too.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!!!!

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