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Awwwwww, A tiny love pile on the floor.
Do you eat the lambs quarter in salads or steamed? And I assume you eat only the youngest plants?
It doesn't make it into the house. I pull up the young (4-6" tall) plants and bite off the tops. Not much fresher than that, I suppose. I brush them off on my sleeve first. :)

I have never tried them steamed. I might try sneaking some into a salad to see if DH will eat it.
You know, when it rains it rains hard around here.. Today I picked a big mess of green beans then grabbed the camera to take some shots of some garden friends.. By the time I got back to take pictures the little toad was gone that had been sitting on the leaf of a green bean bush, and the broad headed skink was in hiding some where. These two were still there.

And since I had my camera out, why not take pics of some of the kids.. Girls from Blue or seafoam eggs.. Love my barnyard mixes.. The black and white pullets have a Dark Brahma for a dad, black EE mom.. The other gals are from my EE hen and Bielefelder dad.
Then on to the pen with the older kids. There are also a couple of younger kids in there.. I thought for sure I had latched the door good and had my back to it.. but they started sneaking out behind my back.. Oh No! K.E. and his ladies were out.. and here they came.. Got K.E. and a few of the ladies back in their pen before disaster struck.. meanwhile the kids got the zoomies and were running all over the place. No herding them back in.. then a car horn blasting away in the drive. Neighbor had brought me fresh cukes from her garden. Take them in the house, grab bread for the chicks and start bribing.. Eventually they all were back in the pen safe and sound. The two older hens that were still out wanted their fair share as well, but never even thought of hurting the young ones..

Fluff Meister and King Tut exploring..

Free for all!

Crow and the Puff Meister in the foreground.

This is my little Crow in all his glory.. Notice he's a short tail? He's a son of King Wheaties and Raven (K.E. offspring but not from Mara), where as King Tut is from K.E. and Mara (BCM)

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