The Old Folks Home

Holy moly! Our gas prices jumped $.35 overnight. True sticker shock that it cost nearly $60 to fill up 3/4 of a tank. Ouch! Coulda shoulda woulda filled up yesterday....

Got a late start on the veggie compound due to health issues, so I do what I can, when I can and however long I can. Feeling the age, though. Planted eggplant and ancho peppers yesterday, mulched with last year's gathered leaves, constructed a (hopefully) varmint-proof surround. It has been mid-to-high 90's here, so not much work done in the afternoons and mornings are sort of hit-and-miss as to when I get outside. Very happy to see this morning that not only did the plants survive yesterday's withering weather, but they are all perky and green. Looking forward to getting the tomatoes, corn, squash and beans in, but not today as it's nearly 95 outside now.

Today's task is setting up the hatchers for the 14 eggs that have survived thus far in the 'bator bus (yellow incubator). My flock's vitality has slowed as the hatch rate is only 50% or less of eggs set. Don't know if it's old hens, old roo, or a combination of both. Amazing for birds that should be done that I'm still getting 4-6 eggs from 7 hens, provided the weather isn't too hot or windy or rainy or cloudy or cold. (Tempermental girls they are...) Trying to hatch out a replacement flock, but clients are clamoring for chicks. Sigh...

Thought this funny. Kind of like how my fridge is....

Are you sure you wouldn't get tried of a steady diet of things that fly and things that swim?

I ask DH what he would like to have for dinner and he says, what are you going to have? My reply, dead bird or dead fish, same as yesterday, same as tomorrow, same as this time next year.

The good thing is now I have a steady flow of greens from the garden. Sautéed or in a salad, spinach, bib lettuce salads. My only complaint is yesterday I wanted a taco salad so bad I was drooling. Got the ground turkey cooked, added taco seasoning, wait a minute, no, don't tell that a pepper seed I see? NO there's another and another. :rant

Set that serving of ground turkey aside for the dogs dinner, sautéed more, got out a different container of taco seasoning...same thing. Sighed, whimpered and made a chef's salad for myself instead.

Good seeing you back on the forum, lovesfarms.

Hi Guys. Bad week here. Two of the ACDs got into it. Rocki the female wound up with a wound on her side that got infected. Two days of hot packs with Epsom Salt water, antibiotics and basically sitting at her side keeping the wound draining. She's doing much better today. Sees the vet on Wednesday but right now she's enjoying being spoiled and pampered.
I'm eating the dead birds but only pureed . The dead fish leave a terrible metallic after taste in my mouth so I bypass them. No seeds yet... I'm getting hungry for some texture again
Morning! Here's a pot of coffee, so drink up!

I have a chiro appointment today. I'll be doing any errands I can between here and there, what with the :duc cost of gas. It has to be an emergency for me to make a special trip anywhere if I forget something. We're out of Coke? Too bad, wait until the next shopping trip. Now, out of coffee, that IS an emergency! :gig

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