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Ok. Six english muffin recipes. They all had:

1 1/4 c liquid. Some called for milk, some for water, one demanded a combination, and one called for water and powdered milk.
2 T butter or oil
1 t salt
1 T sugar or honey


3 recipes call for 4 c flour, the others call for 2 3/4 c.
Most recipes call for 1 T yeast, except for the 24 hour no-knead version which calls for 1 t.

And they bear no relation to the recipes I found before.
I hope one really works. I'd like them too for ham, egg, & cheese sandwiches for breakfast.
Our Home Depot is 65 Miles and 2 counties away. Lowes is 25 miles away. We have to make do often with a local high priced but cheaper than traveling to prices.
I hear you! I miss a local Home Depot or Lowes more then a variety of food stores. Walmart superstore is 12 miles away and the closest grocery store. It's not just the prices are higher and less variety, but when you have a frozen washer faucet and pay the plumber$100 to come out because you can't get it loose and then he has to drive 20 miles because the small hardware store doesn't carry that type, you REALLY miss the home Depot!
Ours was about 45-50 minutes, during the spring/summer/fall, depending on traffic. In the winter with bad roads, it was more like an hour.

I so do not miss that. Add 1.5-2 hours to your work day. Do not get paid for it. Actually, pay for that time for gas for your car.

Moving out as far as we were from work cost us a bunch of money over the years, and I will not say it was a smart thing to do. But, and it's a HUGE but, we have the best place to live. I would not have spent the last 29 years anywhere else.

This house/property came along and even if it wasn't the best idea financially, it has worked out well. We could never have found anything nearly as nice at anywhere near the price we paid.

It's one of the reasons I say I'm the luckiest person I know.
We had a custom house on the ocean with attached kennel and grooming area. It was fabulous! You could see the whole Harbour, seals and all.

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