My ducklings inside are getting rowdy. They ran out of food and started raising hell in the predawn. Its good that they are cute. Ducknagers!
Ducknagers? - Wait for a bit longer: My Fall ducklings are approaching two months and have started to integrate with the flock. However yesterday evening they insisted to sleep in "their" house (waayyy tooo smaaallll by now!)
Of course running out of food and water overnight, so right after sunrise they started quacking and yelling as if the »duck-eating cat food-bag monster« was gnawing away their house…
… waking up the grown-up's who then also joined the »serenade« at full volume with their alarm-quacks, waking up the whole village…
…the neighbor dogs started barking, i heart a lot of roosters crowing and even the cows from one mile away joined with their "moos".
I got out of the house in my pajamas - all the ducks went quiet, except for the two little White Layers who continued to say: "quick! quick! quick!"
So i let everybody out and wanted to go back napping, but no, they blocked the patio steps and wouldn't let me through until i gave them some cat food…
What a crazy way to start the weekend!

G'day everybody!

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