Winter is very naughty.

He met the duck flocks today. I had him in a brief quarantine to give him dewormer and watch him for illness. He passed, so today off to the duck flocks he went.

I wanted to put him in with the Aztecs, who live in a fully enclosed, covered pen. There's one pekin female in there too, that I'd hoped he'd bond with and then I'd move them both together into the 'big duck' flock.

Nope. Put him in there, and he immediately started going after the Aztecs, both drakes and hens. At one point he got ahold of my mallard hen and was practically on top of her and I was afraid he was gonna squish her.

So, he got kicked out to the flock of pekins and geese. Where he immediately also started trouble. Grabbing the girls (not to mate, just to be a butt) and chasing them all over. Well, the geese don't take kindly to that. He learned pretty quick that if the geese are coming at him, he better run away.

He was still being a butt when I left, but the geese will keep him mostly in line, so hopefully he calms down.
Those Pekin drakes can be giant butts. They don't know their own size. I had to give my little Mallard a quick CPR squeeze as the drake nearly drowned her. I had to rehome them both. He went to a place with geese. Best thing that could have happened to him. I saw him yesterday and he was a new man.

Did you swallow any dux germs during the mouth to bill part?
Yikes, you need another Texas lesson :lau BBQ and grilling do not remotely resemble each other. Thems fightn words. BBQ is low and slow and done in a pit or smoker. 15 to 20 hours to cook a brisket. Grilling is what non Texans do in the back yard to hamburgers.
Nooo!!! BBQing is on the hot plate or fire in the back yard until burnt to a crisp. And grilling here is the top shelf thingy on the old ovens
Oh, Ciara's also on the naughty list!

She's always had a thing about the hats my mom crochets for me. So much so that my mom made her a hat that matches one of mine:


Anyway, my mom has also made me a cute Christmas hat that I wear this time of year. Well, I was in with the emus today minding my own business and Ciara came over and stole it right off my head.

She then proceeded to drop it in some mud. My poor hat.

It will hopefully be okay, though. I'll put it through the machine in a mesh bag on delicate and fingers crossed the mud will come out.
Winter is very naughty.

He met the duck flocks today. I had him in a brief quarantine to give him dewormer and watch him for illness. He passed, so today off to the duck flocks he went.

I wanted to put him in with the Aztecs, who live in a fully enclosed, covered pen. There's one pekin female in there too, that I'd hoped he'd bond with and then I'd move them both together into the 'big duck' flock.

Nope. Put him in there, and he immediately started going after the Aztecs, both drakes and hens. At one point he got ahold of my mallard hen and was practically on top of her and I was afraid he was gonna squish her.

So, he got kicked out to the flock of pekins and geese. Where he immediately also started trouble. Grabbing the girls (not to mate, just to be a butt) and chasing them all over. Well, the geese don't take kindly to that. He learned pretty quick that if the geese are coming at him, he better run away.

He was still being a butt when I left, but the geese will keep him mostly in line, so hopefully he calms down.
I'm kind of waiting for you to do an update when you get home where he is the last bird standing. Dominated geese and all
Oh, Ciara's also on the naughty list!

She's always had a thing about the hats my mom crochets for me. So much so that my mom made her a hat that matches one of mine:


Anyway, my mom has also made me a cute Christmas hat that I wear this time of year. Well, I was in with the emus today minding my own business and Ciara came over and stole it right off my head.

She then proceeded to drop it in some mud. My poor hat.

It will hopefully be okay, though. I'll put it through the machine in a mesh bag on delicate and fingers crossed the mud will come out.
Okay question time because I've never seen emus in snow. Has she grown all those feathers over her blue face because it's cold? Can they do that?
I'm kind of waiting for you to do an update when you get home where he is the last bird standing. Dominated geese and all

He'd have to get Wishbone the 50 pound turkey to submit to him for that, and Cranberry her slightly smaller boyfriend. I don't think he's gonna come out on top, haha.

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